Bussurmanova A.

Caspian University of

Technologies and Engineering

named after Sh.Yessenov

Aktau city., Kazakhstan


Abstract. In world practice, the process of structure formation of mineral dispersions with polymers is one of the effective methods for solving many environmental problems. Patent research over the past 15 years has shown that the developments available in this area relate mainly to the structure formation of soils and soils with salts of low molecular weight substances and polymers. The main disadvantages of modern structure formers are the high salt content in the polycomplex formulation, insufficient water resistance, low aggregation ability and unsatisfactory adhesive properties. Soil particles having a diameter of 12 microns, in the pH range 10.0 - 3.0, the soil suspension should be practically stable, since the value of the energy barrier significantly exceeds the energy of thermal movement of the particles and is 166 kT (pH 10.0), 125 kT (pH 8.0), 63 kT (pH 6.0) and 41kT (pH 5.0). A further decrease in pH leads to a natural decrease in the barrier, which at pH 4.0 is 6 kT, and completely disappears at pH 3.0. Thus, for a fraction of a soil suspension with a diameter less than 12 µm, noticeable coagulation can be observed at pH £ 4.0. It is easy to show that larger soil particles with a diameter of 30-33 microns should be practically aggregatively stable even at pH 3.0, since the energy barrier in this case is 10-15 kT. When interacting with the smallest particles (a = 1 μm), the energy barrier values are: 44 kT (pH 10.0), 28 kT (pH 8.0), 18 kT (pH 6.0), 7 kT (pH 5.0) and 2 kT (pH 4.0) and only for these particles at pH < 4.0 can one expect a noticeable loss of aggregation stability by the dispersion. However, the experiment shows that significant coagulation of particles occurs already at pH 5.0 and continuously increases as the pH decreases. Key words: structure-forming agent; soil; flocculation; coagulation; interaction energy; optical density; potentiometric titration; electrophoretic mobility.



  1. Lal   Soil erosion research methods. – Paris, St.  Lacie Press, 2014. – 340 p.
  2. Минкин М.Б., Горбунов Н.И., Садименко П.А. Актуальные вопросы физической и коллоидной химии почв. – Ростов-на-Дону: Изд. РГУ, 2015. – 176 с.
  3. Щукин Е.Д., Перцов А.В., Амелина Е.А. Коллоидная химия. − Москва: Высш. школа, 2022. – 412 с.
  4. Воюцкий С.С. Курс колоидной химии. – Москва, 2015. – 494 с.
  5. Фридрихсберг Д.А. Курс коллоидной химии. – СПБ: Химия, 2013. – 358 с.
  6. Клименко Н.Р., Кармазина Т.В., Кочкодан Щ.Д. Степень структурированности воды и ее влияние на процессы мицеллообразования и адсорбции ПАВ  //  Укр. хим. журн. – 2021. –  № 9-10. – С. 82- 87.
  7. Батюк В.П. Применение полимеров и поверхностно-активных веществ в почвах. – Москва: Изд. Наука, 2018. – 178 с.
  8. Зыкова И.В., Панов В.П. Извлечение тяжелых металлов из избыточных активных илов при аэрировании // ЖПХ. – Т.78, вып. 4. – С.609-612.
  9. Пахомов П.М., Хижняк С.Д. Процессы структурообразования в водных растворах поливинилового спирта // Колл. журн. – 2019. – Т.41, № 4. – С.1035-1041.
  10. Гулямова Д.Б., Муминов С.З. Адсорбция н-гептена на интеркалированном глинистом адсорбенте //  Уз. хим. журн. – 2018. –  № 4. – С. 30-33.
  11. Верютина И.А., Хамраев С.С. Стуктурообразование в кальцийсодержащих органоминеральных композициях на основе вторичного сырья // Уз. хим. журн.  – 2021. – № 6. –  С. 37-42.
  12. Рахимова А.К., Муминов С.З. Сравнительные исследования бентонитовых глин, модифицированных Al2(SO4)3  //  Уз. хим. журн. – 2022. – № 5. – С. 15-19.
  13. Корчагин В.И., Скляднев Е.В. Очистка высоконцентрированных сточных вод с использованием обработанного активированного угля // ЖПХ. – 201 – Т.78, вып. 9. – С.1481-1490.
  14. Баран А.А. Полимерсодержащие дисперсные системы. − Киев: Наукова Думка, 2016. – 204 с.
  15. Кузнецов М.С., Гендугов В.М., Косоножкин,В.И. Влияние эрозии на оттаивающую почву //  Почвоведение. – 2019. –  №11. – С. 1393-1399.
  16. Михеев Г.Е.., Зайков А.Г. Адсорбция и сольватация воды полимерами // Рос. хим. журн. – 2019.  –  № 2. – С. 67-74.
  17. Fabrega Jose R , Jafvert Chad T., Li Huc, Lee Linde S. Modeling conpetitive cation exchange of aromatic amines in water - safurated soils // Erviron Sci and Technol. – 202 – Vol. 33, №13. – Р. 2727–2733.

UDC 544.77

DOI 10.56525/ISDW8081



Caspian University of Technologies

and Engineering named after Sh.Yessenov

Aktau, Kazakhstan



Abstract. The interaction of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes (sodium salt of carboxymethylcellulose (NaCMC), methylcellulose (MC), polyethylenimine (PEI) and polydimethyldiallylammonium chloride (PDMDAAС), and unifloc (UF)) in an aqueous environment was studied using the methods of viscometry, spectrophotometry and macroelectrophoresis. It has been established that the interaction of these polyelectrolytes is accompanied by a significant decrease in reduced viscosity (up to 0.1-0.15 dl/g, which is typical for compacted macromolecules of globular proteins), an increase in optical density and an inversion of the sign of the electrokinetic potential. All this indicates the formation of interpolymer complexes from interacting cationic and anionic polyelectrolytes. Experimental results of studying the properties of water soluble polymers and their polyelectrolyte complexes in aqueous solutions at the water/air interface are described and discussed. It has been shown that complex formation in relatively simple systems is accompanied by changes in the pH of the medium, optical, hydrodynamic, electrochemical and other properties of macromolecules. In the systems we studied, the interaction of the system components is not accompanied by variations in the pH of the medium, therefore, information about the interaction of water-soluble polyelectrolytes in the systems we studied was obtained based on viscometric and spectrophotometric titration data, as well as from changes in the electrokinetic potential of macromolecules. The study of the electrokinetic potential showed that the formation of interpolymer complexes in the systems under consideration is accompanied by significant changes in the electrokinetic potential of macromolecules. A study of the properties of mixtures of aqueous solutions of Na-CMC, MC, UF with polydimethyldiallylammonium chloride and polyethylenimine indicates the formation of interpolyelectrolyte complexes that have a more compact structure than the original macromolecules.

Key words: polyelectrolytes; flocculation; cross-linking; stability; interpolymer complexes; optical density; polymer.



  1. Герасимова М.И. Почвенный справочник. – Смоленск,  – 246 с.
  2. Харитонова Т.В., Иванова Н.И., Сумм Б.Д. Адсорбция катионного и неионогенного ПАВ на поверхности SiО2 из водных растворов. 1. Адсорбция бромида додецилпиридиния и тритона Х-100 из индивидуальных растворов // Коллоид. журн. – Т.67, № 2. – С.274-281.
  3. Акимбаева А.М. Сорбция хлорокомлексов палладия (II) азотсодержащими модифицированными шунгитами // ЖПХ. – 2016. – Т.79, вып.4. – С.570-573.
  4. Пинский Д.Л. Ионообменные процессы в почвах. – Пущено ОНТИ, 2019. – 166 с.
  5. Пинский Д.Л. Физико-химические взаимодействия в почвах и их роль в поведении и функциях загрязняющих веществ // Экология почвы. – Москва, 2021. – Т.3. – С.80-89.
  6. Харитонова Т.В., Иванова Н.И., Сумм Б.Д. Адсорбция катионного и неионогенного ПАВ на поверхности SiО2 из водных растворов. 2. Адсорбция бромида додецилпиридиния и тритона Х-100 из смешанных растворов // Колл. журн. – 2022. – Т.67, № 2. – С. 281-288.
  7. Курочкина Г.Н., Пинский Д.Л. Кинетика и термодинамика полиэлектролитов на синтетических алюмосиликатных гелях // Почвоведение. – 2022. –  № 2. – С.164-172.
  8. Извозчикова В.А., Захарова О.Г., Воскобойник Г.А., Семчиков Ю.Д. Флокуляция суспензий каолина поли-1-винил1,2,4,-триазолом, его четвертичной аммониевой солью и смесями с анионными полиэлектролитами // ЖПХ. – 2018. – Т. 76, вып. 3. – С. 446-448.
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  10. Dukhin S.S., Deryagin B.V. Electrophoresis. - M.: Nauka 2011. -328p.
  11. Кульский Л.А. Основы химии и технологии воды. – Киев: Наукова думка, 2021. – 231 с.
  12. Яцынин Н.А., Сейфулина С.М. Коллоидно-полимерный комплекс и методы его исследования. – Алматы, 2020. – 127 с.
  13. Круглицкий Н.Н., Овчаренко Ф.Д. Физико-химическая механика дисперсных структур. – Москва: Наука, 2022. – 183 с.
  14. Холмуминов А.А., Авазова О.Б., Мирхайдарова Ю.Н., Рубан И.Н., Рашидова С.Ш. Композиция ацетоноформальдегидной смолы с серицином шелка для закрепления и мелиорации засоленных песчанных грунтов // ЖПХ. – 2021. – Т.76, вып. 5. – С.804-806.

UDC 544.77

DOI 10.56525/EZAD5576


A.J. Kintonova

>N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Astana, Kazakhstan

B.B. Suleimenova

Caspian University of technology and engineering named after sh.Yessenov

Aktau, Kazakhstan

N.A. Yensebaev

Public Association of Disabled People#8221; Sezual#8221;

Astana, Kazakhstan


Abstract. The article discusses the technology of developing a web application, and also reflects the results of the analysis of technologies for implementing web applications for e-business. The results of the analysis of technologies for creating web applications are reflected. The main models of interaction between market entities are considered. The article describes the results of a brief analysis of the methods of quantitative analysis of processes.The main sectors of the market and models of interaction of market participants in computer networks are shown. The aspects of the SWOT analysis of the business process are disclosed. consumer sectors of the e-commerce market in Kazakhstan. The article briefly describes the analysis of technologies for creating web applications.

Keywords: e-commerce, technology, web application, business process, business process analysis, model.

УДК 004.9

DOI 10.56525/ZESO4158



Caspian University of Technology

and Engineering named after S.Yessenov

Aktau, Kazakhstan



Caspian University of Technology

and Engineering named after S.Yessenov

Aktau, Kazakhstan



Caspian University of Technology

and Engineering named after S.Yessenov

Aktau, Kazakhstan


Автор корреспондент:


Abstract. The definition of the nucleus and the influence function of a transversally isotropic half-space is considered.  Expressions of displacement and internal forces in an infinite base plate are obtained, taking into account their deepening into the rock mass, as well as the effect of the anisotropy of the base on the distribution of deflections and internal forces. The results obtained serve as a reference for the reconciliation of the results obtained by numerical and computer methods. This calculation algorithm allows us to estimate the bearing capacity of an anisotropic soil base.

Keywords: foundation, soil base, anisotropic, displacement, base plate.



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УДК 624.131. 52/53: 624.15

DOI 10.56525/UISE6718


M.K. Karazhanova

Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov, Kazakhstan, Aktau

Rouzbeh G. Moghanloo

PhD. Professor, University of Oklahoma, USA E-mail:

I.A. Piriverdiyev

Institute of Oil and Gas under the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan, Baku


Abstract. The article is devoted to the results of information analysis and the establishment of the relationship between factors affecting the reliability of oilfield equipment using a fuzzy clustering algorithm. One of the main tasks of oilfield practice is to assess the influence of various factors on the efficiency of field operation and make the right technological decisions. The reliability of estimates and decisions is determined by how reliably the input and output variables and their values are selected. Situations often arise when, given the same data, fundamentally different results are obtained. To find specific expressions of these dependencies and the parameters characterizing them, in particular, methods of statistical data processing are used. As a result of the analysis of the causes of failures of deep-well pumps, factors influencing the efficiency of the pump in the fields under consideration were identified and subjected to fuzzy cluster analysis, which allows us to gain an understanding of the influence of selected factors on efficiency indicators under conditions of uncertainty. A relationship was obtained between the input and output variables, which can be expressed by a fuzzy expression of the IF-THEN rule.

Keywords: reliability, liquid flow rate, turnaround time, fuzzy set theory, fuzzy cluster analysis.



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УДК 622.24

ГРНТИ 38.59.15

DOI 10.56525/FLZQ3049


Uysimbayeva Zhanar Tleukulovna

H. Dulati Taraz regional university Taraz

Saylaubek Nurgul Dauletovna

Taraz regional university named after M. H. Dulati, Taraz


Abctract. The most acute issue is the disposal of solid household waste in the territory of Taraz. The city does not have a developed and modern infrastructure for their processing and disposal. Almost all waste produced at the zhasyl-El Taraz and Aldi and K landfills is placed in landfills without processing, most of which do not meet the sanitary, hygienic and environmental requirements for the placement, arrangement and operation of such specialized facilities. To solve environmental pollution, it is necessary to create a suitable waste management system. For the disposal of solid household waste, there are no garbage processing plants and unauthorized landfills.In this regard, in the near future, it is necessary to create a special technology for mass cleaning of urban and rural areas, as well as land along unauthorized landfills, fields. Currently, one of the main factors of environmental pollution is the increase in urban economic activity, which, in turn, provokes an environmental crisis. In Kazakhstan, the problem of solid household waste is very important, because only 8-9% of garbage is recycled, and the remaining 90% is stored in landfills, which causes enormous damage to the environment. And in other countries, more than half of the waste is recycled, and they also earn significant income in this area.

Such an acute environmental situation in our country is complicated by the lack of environmental capacity and the lack of a legal and technological solution associated with waste management of the system. So far, the vast majority of solid waste landfills remain technologically and technically imperfect, unproductive, environmentally dangerous, inefficient and legally unsecured.The problem of Kazakhstan#8217;s landfills is associated with the burning of garbage.

Keywords: Solid Waste, Landfill, thermometer, fluorescent lamps, plastic.



[1]. Integrated management of household and industrial waste (on the example of the Turkestan region): A.D.Akbasova, G.A.Sainova, O.A.Isakov.-Almaty:#8221;Nurly Alem#8221;,2020.-240s.

[2]. Report on the results of the marketing research #8220;Implementation of an integrated solid waste management system in the Republic of Kazakhstan#8221;.- Almaty, 2018.-111s.

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[4]. Gu, F.; Guo, J.; Zhang, W.; Summers, P.A.; Hall, P. From waste plastics to industrial raw materials: A life cycle assessment of mechanical plastic recycling practice based on a real-world case study. Sci. Total Environ. 2017, 601, 1192–1207.

[[5]. Batisova F.K., Hakim A.A., Data analysis on waste generation and recycling in Kazakhstan / Satpayev Readings 2020-2 vol. Almaty, 2020

ӘОЖ 502.5:628.477

DOI 10.56525/DKMK7307



Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after S.Yessenov

 Aktau, Kazakhstan


Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after S.Yessenov

 Aktau, Kazakhstan


Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after S.Yessenov

 Aktau, Kazakhstan


Abstract: In connection with the transition to a new paradigm in geology offered by #8220;Lithospheric plate tectonics#8221;, it became known that it is difficult to show the geological features of complex dislocated layered structures on geological maps, because the geological significance of such structures is the result of the horizontal movement of matter (geological formations) in time and space and the attributes of these formations in the current erosion section. combination, and the map sheet itself is ultimately a static sheet of paper. This situation requires the development of qualitative new methods and methodology for mapping highly dislocated tectonic structures, a vivid example of which is called #8220;Pre-Late Paleozoic Ophiolitic Zones of Kazakhstan#8221;. #8220;, it turns out that it is difficult to display the geological features of complex folded structures on geological maps, since the geological essence of such structures is the result of the horizontal movement of matter (geological formations) in time and space with the subsequent combination of the attributes of these formations on the modern erosion section, while the sheet of the map itself It is, after all, a static sheet of paper. This circumstance requires the development of qualitatively new methods and methodologies for mapping highly dislocated tectonic structures, a striking example of which are the so-called #8220;Late Precambrian-Paleozoic ophiolite zones of Kazakhstan#8221;.

Keywords: Tectonics, geological map, geotectonics, geodynamics, plate tectonics, ophiolite zones, geological formation, tectonic structure.



[1]. Tregub A.I. Geotectonics and geodynamics: a textbook for universities / A. I. Tregub, V. M. Nenakhov, S. V. Bondarenko. — Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2023. — 208 p. — (Higher education). — ISBN 978-5-534-13465-0.

[2]. Bazhenova O.K., Burlin Yu.K., Sokolov B.A., Khain V.E. Geology and Geochemistry of oil and gas Ed.

[3]. reprint. 2012. 432 p. ISBN 978-5-211-05326-7. 3. Kozhakhmet, K.A. Geological structure and oil and gas potential of southern Mangyshlak [Electronic resource]: textbook - Aktau: KGUTI, 2020

[4]. Murzagaliev, D.M. Geology and oil and gas potential of Western Kazakhstan textbook- Almaty: Evero, 2014.

[5]. Sharipova, G.N. Structural geology guidelines for laboratory classes:5B070600-Geology and exploration of mineral deposits- Aktau: KGUTI, 2015

[6].  A.V. Tevelev. Structural geology, textbook. Infra-M, 2018

[7].  Bakirova, S. Hydrogeology textbook - 2nd ed., supplement.- Astana: Folio, 2019.

[8]. Milyutin, A.G. Exploration and geological and economic assessment of minerals textbook and workshop- 3rd ed.pererab.and add.- Moscow: Yurayt, 2019.

[9]. Nursultanova, S. Methods of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits textbook - Astana: Folio, 2008.

[10]. Kryazheva T.V. Industrial types of mineral deposits. For geologists and mining engineers. Almaty: Evero, 2018.

УДК 551.24

DOI 10.56525/HIKS9011



Caspian University of Technology

and Engineering named after Sh.Yessenov,

Aktau, Kazakhstan



Hamburg University of

Applied Sciences, Hamburg, Germany

Corresponding author:



Annotation. At present, many oil fields are on the third and fourth stages of development, which are characterized by significant volumes of associated water production and low degree of depletion of oil reserves from individual sections of the deposit.

The volume of oil produced from the deposits is constantly decreased. This is due to the influence on the operation of wells of complex geological structures of productive formations, and fluid compositions that manifest themselves in production processes. In dense reservoirs with high geological heterogeneity, separate undeveloped areas and areas that are not covered by flooding remain in the development process. In these conditions, in order to increase the efficiency of flooding systems, the task is to maximize the coverage of reservoirs by exposure, which can be achieved by introducing water into low-permeable oil-saturated intervals.

In this case, the elastic-capillary-cyclic method and the method of changing the direction of filtration fluid flows in the reservoir have significant possibilities, both in area and in the section. In this case, the elastic-capillary-cyclic method and the method of changing the direction of filtration fluid flows in the reservoir have significant possibilities, both in area and in section.

One of the most effective and promising methods of stabilizing oil production is physics-chemical technology based on the application of injection of polymer compositions. This paper provides an analysis of the application of the technology of redistribution of filtration flows in a multilayer field. This technology used a biopolymer-based chemical composition.

To study the effect of the biopolymer system on the oil production process, an analysis of changes in the technological parameters of the reacting production wells was carried out. The article provides an assessment of the technological effectiveness of methods for changing the direction of filtration flows in the reservoir based on the analysis of the results of the use of biopolymer compositions at one of Mangystau deposits.


Keywords: Well, oil deposit, influence on the formation, flow-deflecting technology, filtration flow, polymer composition, biopolymer system, efficiency



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UDC 622.245

IRSTI 52.47.27

DOI 10.56525/JVCY2371


Karlygash Bissembayeva

Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh .Yessenov

Albina Khadieva

Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh .Yessenov



Annotation. The long-term operation of the deposit, the alternation of reservoir zones with high and degraded filtration and capacitance properties due to the heterogeneity of the reservoir, the deformation of the development system due to downtime and inactivity of wells predetermined the selective movement of water through the most permeable layers. As practice shows, the widespread use of traditional flooding technology does not ensure the effective production of residual reserves from low-permeable and highly watered formations. Therefore, increasing the degree of oil extraction from the depths of the developed fields using effective methods of active impact on water-oil-saturated formations is an important scientific and technical task facing the oilmen of the republic.

One of the most effective and promising methods of stabilizing oil production is physics-chemical technologies based on the use of injection of polymer compositions.

The main purpose of injection of polymer compositions is to equalize the heterogeneity of productive layers by reducing the mobility of the displacing agent in highly conductive interlayers and increasing the coverage of the reservoir by flooding both in power and in stretch.

As is known, the effectiveness of the use of technologies based on polymer solutions depends on their good selective filterability into zones with high water saturation, which allows creating water-insulating screens in the desired direction and to a sufficient depth.

It is known that the effective use of polymer solutions depends on the influence of various factors: molecular weight, polymer concentration in solution, filtration rates, reservoir permeability, as well as such an important parameter as the rheological properties of polymer solutions. The study of the rheological properties of polymer solutions allows us to substantiate and propose for practical implementation effective integrated technologies for increasing oil recovery during the operation of the oil fields under consideration.

In this work, the rheological properties of polyacrylamide, physical parameters, taking into account their physics-chemical properties, are studied. The influence of mineralization and water hardness on polymer solutions is considered.  The issues of mechanical destruction of polymers have been studied. The degree of mechanical destruction of the polymer is estimated based on the results of the study of the rheological properties of the polymer sample.


Keywords:Polymer; polyacrylamide; polymer flooding; water; solution; polymer molecule; degradation; adsorption; shear rate; viscosity; mechanical degradation; mineralization; filtration properties.



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УДК 622.245

ГРНТИ 52.47.27

DOI 10.56525/RMEU4412



Caspian University of Technology and Engineering

named after Sh. Yessenov, Aktau, Kazakhstan



Caspian University of Technology and Engineering

named after Sh. Yessenov, Aktau, Kazakhstan



Caspian University of Technology and Engineering

named after Sh. Yessenov, Aktau, Kazakhstan


*Correspondent author:


Abstract. The criterion for the spiritual worldview of any nation is not its material wealth, economic achievement, but its literature and art, which is passed on from generation to generation.

Many historical examples and data can be cited to this. The legacy of the ancient Greek and Roman states, which became the cradle of human civilization, are the themes of art in the scientists’ and writers’ works. In the history of the nation, the sounds of kuyi perfomed on kobyz  by Korkyt Baba and his covenants were not interrupted even at a time when the works of “sources from the world of art and literature”, enlightened writers J. Balasagun “Kutty Bilik”, A. Iugineki “Reward for Truth”, M. Khorezmi “Love” were written. There were many talented people though they were illiterate, they could present people wonderful songs and marvelous kui (genre of Kazakh national music). When famous performer of kui Ykylas played the kobyz (Kazakh musical instrument), the swans flew to the sound of the music, the dombyra (Kazakh musical instrument) player Bogda forced the production of milk from a camel whose baby camel had died. This is a testament to their great talent. Singers Aset, Estai, Zhayau Musa, Birzhan Sal, Akan Seri, performers of kui Kurmangazy, Dina, Turkesh, Tattimbet were all the best talents who came out of the common people. In this regard, the literary and cultural heritage, relics, artistic power, traditions, legends and truths, history and knowledge about the art of kui and kuishi (performer of kui), created by the Kazakh people over the centuries, have been raised to a high level in terms of the artistic genre.

For the history of the nation, the life and work of Musa Baizhanuly is very important. He was a unique representative of Kazakh art, a singer, composer, who left his mark on the Kazakh steppe with his unique art, became a legend, mourned the grief of the common people and was sent into exile because of this. This article evaluates the significance of works of art that describe the life and natural talent of artists in the history of our people and their place in the spirituality of the nation.

Key words: art, poet, artist, national values, poetry, continuity of tradition, internal monologue, dialogue, author#8217;s narration, content and idea.



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UDC 82.09 (574)

ICSTI 17.09.91

DOI 10.56525/XLJQ6478