Kayupova Farida
Sh.Yessenov Caspian state university of technology and engineering, Аktau, Kazakhstan

Abstract. The problematic field of scientific work focuses on the professional adaptation of ethnic groups to socio-economic transformations in the educational environment and the integration of society. The research question within the framework of this work is to find out the influence of belonging to ethnic groups on the process of professional adaptation in the educational environment. To date, there are quite a lot of publications on the problem of social and professional adaptation. However, the issue of adaptation of ethnic groups has not been sufficiently developed. Psychological and pedagogical studies of this problem prevail, while sociological analysis makes it possible to reveal the essential features of these processes. This article was written on the basis of the results of a sociological study on the topic #8220;Professional adaptation of young teachers.#8221; The purpose of this study was to study the characteristics of professional adaptation of representatives of various ethnic groups. In the research work, the concept of #8220;adaptation#8221; as a sociological category was considered and classical and modern approaches to understanding the essence and mechanisms of professional adaptation were analyzed. The study of scientific literature, revealing the topic of the study, allows us to distinguish several groups of works. The first group of works is devoted to the study of social adaptation, which analyzes various approaches: a systematic approach, an informational approach, a phenomenological theory, a normative approach (E. Durkheim, T. Parsons, etc.), an activity approach and an interpretive approach (M. Weber). The second group of works is devoted to the study of social and professional adaptation in line with the study of social and labor processes. These are the works of M. Weber, A.B. Georgievsky, T. Parsons, and others. Labor adaptation in the process of vocational training and formation was considered by N.V. Polyakova, K.U. Chembelenge and others. The third group of works is devoted to a comprehensive study of the essence, goals, content of pedagogical activity. For example, the works of S.V. Kondratieva, and others. In the second part of the work, the main factors influencing the social and professional adaptation of representatives of various ethnic groups were analyzed. A comparative analysis of sociological studies on socio-professional adaptation was also carried out. The final part of this article presents the results of the study, reflecting the features of the professional adaptation of representatives of various ethnic groups in the educational environment.


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ysj DOI number 10.56525/GIQS7862