Koblanov Zholaman Taubaevish*1, Karimsakova Baktigul Abdimukhanovna2

Caspian University of Technologies and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov, Aktau, Kazakhstan


Abstract. The article is devoted to understanding the significance of Renaissance literature in the Czech Republic. Humanistic activity, which originated in the Czech Republic, occupies an important place in the history of the Slavic Renaissance. In the XV century, hatred of papal domination and the struggle for independence intensified in the Czech Republic, where the activities of the Hussites flourished. Czech literature of this era had didactic and religious content. The economic development of the state has changed the situation of cities. Nevertheless, this allowed Italian humanism to become more widespread. The Hussite movement played an important role in the struggle against foreign domination and feudal arbitrariness. But since this act was shrouded in a religious veil, the patriotic psalms were also in a religious spirit, they were performed accompanied by music. The struggle of the Hussites against the Catholics and the reform movements of this period cannot distinguish the main features of the Czech literature of the Renaissance. The main features of the Renaissance are vividly manifested in world culture, based on the foundations of ancient society, in art reflecting the achievements of the body and soul, depicting the joys of life. The first stage of the development of Czech humanism corresponds to the period when Petrarch was in Prague (1356). Since that time, interest in the #8220;new style#8221; of Italian poetry begins to manifest itself. The article also argues that the historical and political events taking place in Czech society during that period also had a great influence on the development of literature.

Keywords: epic, lyrics, stage, drama genre, Czech literature, aesthetics.



*Koksheeva Zaini Talasovna

Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yesenova,

Aktau, Kazakhstan,

Rimantas Želvys

Vilnius University, Lithuania


Abstract: In this article, we conducted a theoretical analysis of the works of scientists who studied the continuity of research activities of preschool and primary school children from a philosophical, psychological, and pedagogical point of view, partially focusing on the works of some methodologists. Also, on the basis of the methodology proposed in the article, in order to substantiate the validity of the forecast put forward by us, experimental work was carried out using the design method, in close connection with professional practical experience, the problem of continuity of research activities of preschool and primary school children was considered, recommendations for improving work for further development were given.

Keywords: preschoolers; elementary school students; research activities; continuity; practical work; scientific project; design method;




Taimuratova Lidiya Ungarbayevna

Sh. Yessenov Caspian state university of technology and engineering, Аktau, Kazakhstan

Shurkin Merey Tulegenovich

Sh. Yessenov Caspian state university of technology and engineering, Аktau, Kazakhstan


Abstract: The article describes the importance of game technology. Discusses the interaction between education and play and how they become effective tools for learning physics. The proposed methods are designed to increase students#8217; interest and make the learning process more effective. Along with education, the student is told that games help develop personal and social skills such as teamwork, leadership, collaborative learning or decision making. And one should not forget the classification of players created by Richard Bartle when using game technology. Because the number of students in one class is usually not small. It is important that it is a fun game for all of them. Let#8217;s take a quick look at the games. Hot Potatoes is a game development site. Through this site, we can use tools such as JCloze for creating fill-in-the-blank exercises, JMatch for matching/ordering activities, and Jquiz for creating multiple-choice or short-answer questions. But this site does not consider individual chapters. Generalization is intended for building vectors for students. Scratch is a site where students can create animated videos. This site is not based on specific chapters or even subjects. Games can be created according to everyone#8217;s imagination. But due to the limited resources, the games are simple. The article analyzes a computer game for teaching the theory of relativity in physics. During the game, students can understand relative motions and basic principles of relativistic physics. The game explores Newton#8217;s laws and inertial motion, but has nothing to do with atomic physics. The article discusses the effectiveness of using games in teaching physics and chemistry in a foreign language. Games help students actively participate in the lesson and develop cognitive, affective, psychomotor skills. The article shows how educational games contribute to the development of cognitive and social skills.

Overall, the methods presented in each article demonstrate the many advantages of using games effectively in education. They are aimed at increasing students#8217; activity, deepening their understanding of scientific concepts and improving memory.

Key words: game technology, applications, learner#8217;s interest, game elements, learner, teacher, education, educational method.



Almagambetova Aigul Aldazharovna

Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda UniversityKyzylorda, Kazakhstan

E mail: aldajarovna_1971@mail.ru

Taimuratova Lidiya Ungarbayevna

Sh. Yessenov Caspian state university of technology and engineering, Аktau, Kazakhstan

E-mail: lidiya.taimuratova@yu.edu.kz

Skripkina Dina

Sh. Yessenov Caspian state university of technology and engineering, Аktau, Kazakhstan

E mail: zhanibekkyzyd@mail.ru


Abstract: The article examines the effectiveness and role of the use of electronic textbooks in the education system. And, including in the section «Optics», optical phenomena and patterns are taken as a basis. The creation of electronic textbooks is one of the most pressing problems of the educational process today. The expansion of the use of modern information technologies has led to the need to develop electronic learning tools that increase the effectiveness of self-learning and the quality of learning for students. The use of electronic means in the learning process is effective for both the teacher and the student. The use of electronic learning tools in the educational process does not contradict the traditional teaching method, but rather complements the use of its achievements. Comparison parameters are also considered: page and rotation; reader#8217;s movement through the book; plane and depth; book block; personal appearance of the book; text; illustration; tactile sensations; reliability of information storage and accessible information update; one can say about the pros and cons of this and other types of books. The advantages of an electronic textbook in terms of printing are accompanied only by sound effects associated with its large information capacity and ease of use. With all the convenience of the e-book format, the reader may want to see it directly on the site if he does not want to download it, or, as in a bookstore, first view the publication and then decide whether to download it or not. The main disadvantages of the electronic textbook are due to its loss of personal artistic appearance. Currently, there are many tools for creating electronic textbooks. For example, the possibilities of the program SunRav BookEditor, SunRav BookReader, TurboSite, Flipsnack, EdApp, Canva, etc. are considered. In the article, we will define the role of analyzing the digital literacy of students using an electronic textbook. Examples of electronic forms of a physics textbook for grades 7-9 can be given.

Keywords: information and communication technologies, electronic textbook, teaching physics, audio files, videos, multimedia technology, online software, optical phenomena.




Sh. Yessenov Caspian state university of technology and engineering, Аktau, Kazakhstan


Annotation: The transition of world authorities into the hands of information in the flow of modern life should make us think. Since humanity cannot exist without each other, without interaction, the information flood has become as necessary as the air. In order to follow the citizens of the state to the end, it is not enough to have one opinion and the opinion of the leader, dependence on him is growing, and the ability of the majority to research and critical thinking is decreasing. Therefore, the urgent problem facing the state has become the propaganda of the historical development of our state, the work to restore consciousness, the spiritual identity of our citizens, the consciousness of the Kazakhs. Because by defining the spiritual nature of the nation and nailing down the essence of consciousness, it becomes possible to feel our national identity. This, in turn, is the biggest tool in consolidating the nation. Therefore, in order to determine the Kazakh national identity, we decided to explain the scientific works of the great scientist, philosopher Garifolla, who has been studying the Kazakh consciousness for more than thirty years.

The importance of the work lies in highlighting more than twenty volumes of the scientist#8217;s works on the origin of the history of the origins of major representatives of Kazakh philosophy, analyzing the work of Abai, the main ideologist of national identity and describing the scientific potential.

How to explain the general understanding of Academician Garifolla#8217;s work with a short formula? #8220;Scientific prose#8221;, which, in our opinion, is a mixture of the breath of time, the existence of consciousness, Kazakh philosophy, is a scientific assessment of many historical data to young scientists, applicants, analysts, telling about political, cultural and socio-historical problems that took place in the life of society in a systematic way.

Keywords. Philosophy, consciousness, being, cognition, man, Nation, national idea, consciousness, new thinking, knowledge.



G.M. Efendiyev,

Institute of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan Republic, Baku, Azerbaijan

I.A. Piriverdiyev,

Institute of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan Republic, Baku, Azerbaijan

 M.K. Karazhanova,

Yessenov University, Aktau, Kazakhstan

M.B. Asgarov

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan


Abstract. In order to avoid various drilling problems associated with instability of the wellbore walls, lost circulation, etc., it is necessary to use the concept of a “safety window” of the drilling fluid. Calculation of the boundaries of the mud safety window makes it possible to justify the choice of mud density for safe drilling of wells. However, with all its advantages, it is impossible to accurately determine the boundaries of the “safety window” due to their blurriness, which requires the use of appropriate methods based on fuzzy logic and taking into account this type of heterogeneity. This article proposes an approach based on the application of the basic principles of fuzzy set theory to the choice of drilling mud density using the example of several fields in Azerbaijan, Russia and Kazakhstan. An equation for determining density was obtained, calculations were made using this expression for some fields, and the boundaries of the so-called “safety window” were assessed based on geomechanical studies.

Keywords: safety window of mud, uncertainty, decision making, optimal density, pressure gradients, objectives and limitations.




Sh. Yessenov atyndagy Caspian technology and engineering university,

Aktau k., Kazakhstan


Annotation. Most oil fields cover thousands of square kilometers, and some have reserves in difficult local conditions (heat, permafrost, desert, deep water) or difficult to recover. Due to these factors and a number of other problems related to technological safety, there are difficulties in the development of oil fields (with a steady increase in demand for oil and gas). Therefore, oil companies still need a highly reliable digital infrastructure that provides high productivity and security and manages many of the devices used in the oil and gas business throughout the field. Therefore, in recent years, oil companies around the world are increasingly managing their oil fields using #8220;smart#8221; technologies. They have proven to be a powerful tool for ensuring the safety of oil fields and increasing labor productivity, as well as economic efficiency. The technologies used include the improvement of all stages of the work process through the rapid acquisition of production data associated with advanced analytics, which contributes to a more complete and efficient development of the oil field. With experience in the implementation of #8220;intelligent#8221; technologies, it already shows high efficiency and very reliable results (both in terms of the oil production process itself and in terms of reducing the cost of individual operations).

The use of modern digital and intelligent technologies in the production process in the oil and gas sector plays an important role in order to increase efficiency, ensure safety and reduce environmental impact. Application of digital technologies-data collection and analysis: IoT sensors (Internet of Things) allow you to collect data from deposits in real time and send it to analytical platforms. Field modeling: Using digital Twin technology, virtual field models are created that allow you to predict and optimize production processes. Automation: The automated systems and robotics used help to increase productivity in the management of the oil and gas production process.

Keywords: Intelligent technology, digital infrastructure, digital industry



 Bashirov Rasim, Zakenov Sembigali,  Abbasov Vagif,   Lyazzat Nurshakhanova


 Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, Azerbaijan

Sh.Yessenov Caspian state university of technology and engineering, Аktau, Kazakhstan



Abstract. The article discusses the use of impregnated abrasive wheels for grinding the surface of recovered hard-to-process powder materials. The paper investigates the formation of a rough surface during internal grinding of cylinders of marine engines after restoration to their original dimensions, with powder materials of grades PG-CP2, PG-10H-0.2 containing nickel, chromium, iron and other hard-to-work metals, which during the restoration process create a special protective metal layer on the surface of the cylinders, the processing of which is very difficult It#8217;s difficult. Therefore, the grinding of the internal surfaces of the restored cylinders of marine engines is a complex technological process that proceeds in strict compliance with all technological operations, in stages.

According to the results of the study, the influence of the rotation speed of the workpiece on the roughness of the inner surface of the sleeve, accompanied by grinding with impregnated grinding wheels, was revealed. It has been experimentally confirmed that when treated with impregnated abrasive wheels, the roughness of the polished surface decreases by about 1.5-1.8 times.

Keywords: grinding, impregnation, abrasive wheels, porosity, impregnators, impregnation.



Makhambetov M.Zh.*, Izimova R., Khamit A.A., Koishygulova G.U.

  1. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University

E-mail: makhambetov.murat@gmail.com


Grasslands are an important and vulnerable resource among many ecosystems that occupy a large part of the earth#8217;s surface. These ecosystems are constantly exposed to various climatic factors, and climate change is becoming one of the main threats to them. Pastures occupy 9612.9 thousand hectares of the territory of Atyrau oblast, which is 81% of the total territory. These lands are an important source for livestock breeding. In this paper we assessed the potential impact of climate change on pasture ecosystems of Atyrau oblast of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The spatial and temporal variability of precipitation for 30 years (1992-2022) was investigated using meteorological data. The fluctuations of precipitation amount in vegetation period (April - September) for 1992-2022 were determined. Multiyear series of average annual air temperature and precipitation during vegetation vegetation period were analysed and their predicted cyclic fluctuations for the next two years were modelled. Degradation points of pasture ecosystems were identified by counting 622 points in 1992, 585 points in 2002, 412 points in 2012 and 387 points of former and current cattle stands in 2022 through Google Earth map. The heat and moisture availability of the growing season of pasture plants under climate change was predicted.

The results of this study show how increasing temperature, decreasing precipitation, and management history affect pasture quality, and highlight the important role of vegetation of rangeland ecosystems. The results can be used in the process of establishing effective rangeland management practices, mechanisms for adaptation of rangeland vegetation or ecosystems to climate change.

Key words: climate, pastures, change, grazing, degradation, vegetation.




Akaki Tsereteli State University, Kutaisi, Georgia


                              Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh.Yesenova

E-mail: gulbanu.baisarova@yu.edu.kz


Annotation. Determination of the physical and mechanical properties of anisotropic limestone rocks is an important and urgent task, since carbonate deposits are very often found in oil and gas fields of the Mangistau region. The data show that limestone creates from 70% to 90% of all problems related to the stability of wells, which is due to the peculiarities of their physical and mechanical properties.

Experimental studies of the physical and mechanical properties of limestone have features both in terms of monolith selection and in terms of preparation of samples for research, and in the methods of conducting and processing experiments. These features are due to extremely low permeability, anisotropy of elastic and strength properties due to their layered structure. The experience of testing core samples of layered limestone is considered, tests are carried out on equipment under the program of consolidated-undrained loading in accordance with the standards.

As a result of experiments on core samples cut at an angle, along and across the layering, the anisotropic elastic properties of rocks, as well as their dependencies on geophysical parameters, were studied. The anisotropy of elastic properties has a significant effect both on the stress-strain state when solving specific problems of continuum mechanics and on the design values of the initial stress field as a whole. Taking into account the anisotropy parameters obtained in this paper will make it possible to solve Geomechanics problems in relation to layered limestones of the Sarmatian stage.

Keywords: geomechanics; anisotropy; strength; elasticity; foliation; limestone, experimental studies; monolith; core.