Altynai Ibragimova Mambetova, Farida Kayupova, Abubakir Abidin
Sh.Yessenov Caspian state university of technology and engineering, Аktau, Kazakhstan

Abstract. The process of globalization is an important and at the same time very difficult process. Depending on one#8217;s own needs, opportunities and goals of obtaining higher education, many factors have to be taken into account when making a decision in the conditions of the present time. Today, there are many universities and educational programs on the educational services market, which often only complicates the selection process, since a large amount of information (sometimes contradictory) creates a number of additional questions. In this regard, the brand of the university is becoming more important and relevant, so understanding its role and place in the process of choosing a university is an important task for sociology. Educational brands have their own specifics, different from the brands of the traditional commercial sector. Despite the obvious commercialization of education in general and the fact that recently higher education institutions are most often considered in the context of the educational services market, universities are still non–profit organizations, and higher education is a social institution. The process of globalization in the modern world has transformed the perception of higher education: higher education has turned from an intangible limited resource into a product, has become part of the international market of educational services. In order to be economically profitable in the current conditions of a market economy, universities are forced to fight for a place in the market, resorting to such methods as increasing student enrollment, absorbing weaker educational institutions, opening branches, increasing tuition fees, as well as improving branding strategies. Since November 1, 2021, a CSR sociological center has been established on the basis of Yesenov University at the Department of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. The main goal of CSR YU is to carry out fundamental and applied research works that are relevant and of practical importance in the context of the implementation of innovative educational strategies of Yessenov University. This article is based on the results of a sociological study conducted to determine the state of such key indicators of the university#8217;s image as the «brand index» and the «happiness index» of Yessenov University and to identify the optimal set of tools for the effective development of the YU brand. The article analyzes the main approaches to brand research, describes the main stages of conducting and the results of a comprehensive study.


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ysj DOI number 10.56525/WOSM3380