1 Efendiev Galib, 2Lyazzat Nurshakhanova, 2Zakenov Sembigali, 3Zakenova Amina

1Institute of Geology of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan

2Sh.Yessenov Caspian state university of technology and engineering, Аktau, Kazakhstan

3Kazakh  National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev

Almaty, Kazakhstan

Abstract. Currently, a number of the largest oil fields in Western Kazakhstan are in the late and final stages of development, which is characterized by an objective tendency to increase the number of low-yield wells.

The development of the Zhetybai field was discovered in 1961 and is characterized by low reservoir properties, with hard-to-recover and highly viscous oils.

Throughout its development and operation, the field is carried out using unconventional methods of influencing productive deposits and is complicated by a number of factors due to the transition of the main exploited horizons to the late and final stages of development, such as the deposition of paraffin, resins, asphaltenes, high water content of oil, the difficulty of coordinating the inflow and selection of products, the need for measures to intensify the inflow, optimization of the operation of deep-pumping equipment.

Under these conditions, the analysis of the factors contributing to the increase in the fund and the problem of increasing the efficiency of operation of these facilities, profitability and ensuring the efficiency of the productive component of operation, increasing productivity and optimizing the operating modes of low-flow wells deserves serious attention and is of scientific and practical interest.

The article provides a geological and commercial analysis of the low-capacity well stock, in order to identify the main causes of low-capacity. The analysis of the history of well operation made it possible to substantiate and identify the main factors and causes influencing the formation of a low-yield well stock.

Key words: field, oil, oil recovery, analysis, wells, waterlogging, low-yield fund, operation, oil production.

DOI 10.56525/DBVW6960