Patrov Fеdor Vladimirovich
Yessenov University, Аktau, Kazakhstan
Аnnotation. The article examines the current trends in the improvement of the shipbuilding industry in the context of the study of innovative technologies. The study includes the nuances of using 3D printing technologies in the construction of ships, the use of a ballast-free hull structure and high-elasticity carbon nanotube paper (buckypaper), in order to reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere and increase the environmental friendliness of ships. Particular interest is paid to the use of these composite materials, which significantly increase efficiency and reduce the time of construction and automation of processes that contribute to increasing the safety and productivity of navigation by minimizing human errors and optimizing the operational data of ships.
Key words: innovative technologies; 3D printing; ballast-free housing; buckypaper; process automation; operating conditions; energy-efficient systems.