Baishov Bakhyt Batyrbekovich
K.Zhubanov Aktobe regional university
Annotation. Today, stakeholders of the media space of Kazakhstan perceive the issue of art and culture in a very narrow sense. The phrases#8221; masters of art#8221;,#8221; artful #8221; are used in accordance with the song and dance, tune. This is a root error. The concepts of art and culture are not interchangeable. That is, the scope and field of the terms #8220;culture#8221; and #8220;art#8221; are two different. Because art permeates culture with its branches. In our article, we mentioned the need to enrich, promote and promote the Kazakh culture by innovating art. Not through songs and dances, but through education and work, we opened a new path to art, explained its impact on the spiritual and economic development of our country. However, the problem of reviving national traditions in art and culture is not as easy as we think. With globalization, the reduction of cultural boundaries sees innovation as an enemy. What should I do? Is it better to strive for civilization with original art or, with a conservative approach, to lead only the historical arts of the country unchanged?!
It is clear that every state has a spiritual and moral support. The new generation, which forms the modern character of modern Kazakhstan, takes the idea of #8220;an educated person is an advanced-minded person#8221;, proposed by such educated sons of the Kazakh people as Abay, Shakarim, Ibray Altynsarin, Akhmet Baitursynovich, who spread philosophy, education and science in the vast steppe of the XIX-XX centuries as a #8220;motivation for development#8221;.
The name of the tradition is tradition. We agree with him. However, the negative trends that are reflected in today#8217;s media space, problems, making a lot of money without working and working, meaningless traditions and other ideas are becoming more and more established in Kazakh society. These negative trends are gaining strength day by day, because there are many. However, if we are only a tradition, without opening the breath of art, without finding it, we have nothing but stubbornness. Even in countries that have experienced a major economic leap in eastern Asia, knowing that art has given a field for innovation, not tradition, and we see the results, we still have a bad desire to take the path of change from the usual course of life. To do this, we must first learn about art, its place in the history of society, its impact on development.
That is, the difference between tradition and innovation is that it benefits a person. This is the essence of a new approach to art. The article provides an overview of this issue.
Key words: Tradition, Innovation, Art, worldview, culture, stakeholders, information
DOI 10.56525/IDNI2830