Auezov South Kazakhstan University Shymkent, Kazakhstan.
E-mail: pernesh-63@mail.ru
Abstract. Transformation centers, as objects of transport infrastructure integrated with a complex of warehouse facilities, perform the most important functions in a multimodal freight transportation system. The article examines the effectiveness of transformation centers that implement effective interaction of transports in a multimodal transportation system. The stages of the logistic approach in choosing the location of transformation centers are investigated. It is determined that transformation centers, being the basis for the creation of macrological transport and storage systems of the appropriate level, perform the functions necessary to smooth out irregularities, inaccuracies in production turnover, consumption, and functioning of modes of transport. The main point of view is investigated and analyzed, which provides for the implementation of transformation centers in the form of an integrated transport terminal infrastructure in order to optimize the stages of movement of material flows in the logistics chain. The results of the study showed that in maritime transport, the main factor in the development of transport container terminals, as varieties of transformation centers, is the creation of means of an integrated transport terminal infrastructure of a concentrated system for the movement of material cargo flows.
Key words: multimodal cargo transportation, transformation center, material flows, transport and warehouse complex, transport and logistics chains, container terminal, automated container terminal management system.
DOI 10.56525/CZAI2821