Koksheeva Zaini Talasovna

Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenova

Aktau, Kazakhstan,

Babaeva Maria Kurmangaleevna

Kazakh National Women#8217;s Pedagogical University

Almaty, Kazakhstan

       Abstract. In addition to the professional knowledge and skills necessary for future work, high school graduates should be able to overcome various obstacles and achieve their goals, cope with difficult life difficulties. Therefore, it is important to identify heterogeneous frustrators (obstacles, barriers, problems that can be external and internal) that lead to frustration – a mental state that arises from dissatisfaction with some important needs, failures due to obstacles to success. It is very likely that frustrations negatively affect human behavior and being, the structure of his activities, negatively affect through destructive manifestations the quality of human life, the success of his activities, including educational activities.

The heterogeneity of the manifestation of frustration at each age stage of personality development is defined in the works of Z. Freud, A. Freud, K. Horney.  The problems of frustration in the educational process of secondary schools are devoted to G. F. Zaremba, E. P. Ilyin, N.D. Levitov, M. V. Orshanskaya, Plotnikova, N.V. Tarabarinov, and the existential frustration of students -G. V. Akopov, N.L. Yu. E.Is considered in the works of Kukina, Bykova.

Taking into account the results and productivity of these studies, it should be recognized that students#8217; forgiveness of the state of frustration in the process of educational activity requires further study and reflection, overcoming its destructive influence in the form of elimination and reduction.

In this article, we will focus on research on methods of overcoming difficulties and theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological works that studied the concept of frustration, its types and features in order to identify the causes of frustration among students. The article also analyzes the phenomenon of psychological support. Including assistance, support, actions to prevent mental disorders, prevention of frustration, regulation of the influence of frustrators provoking negative reactions in the learning process, avoidance so that students do not perceive overcome difficulties as an insurmountable obstacle, the problem of forming a correct understanding of difficulties is analyzed in detail.

In addition, in providing psychological and pedagogical support to students in overcoming frustration, considering the effective diagnostic methods used in practice, we will give effective advice and recommendations.

Key words: students, frustration, frustration, psychological support, social frustration;

DOI 10.56525/GBMF1758


Koksheeva Zaini Talasovna
Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yesenova
Aktau, Kazakhstan

Abstract. The article examined the works of scientists and teachers who contributed to the study of this problem, drew conclusions, outlined the types of career guidance for high school students in general education schools in choosing the right profession and the content, main directions and types of orientation to determine the future profession. In the career guidance work, the specific psychological characteristics of each child are revealed, the effectiveness of the formation of a culture of behavior and communication necessary for all work is revealed. The use of traditional and diagnostic research in matters of professional orientation and professional self-determination, related conscious self-regulation of activity, justifies the widespread use of psychological, pedagogical, practical counseling, preparation for a profession, orientation to the future as a subject of labor. The content of the formation of life plans and professional orientations of high school students is determined, conclusions are drawn about the importance of the development of entrepreneurial activity.
Also, in educational institutions, the types of vocational guidance work of students on the right choice of profession are clearly outlined: professional counseling, professional education, studying the personality of students, etc. In addition, the methods and their final results in research work, scientific and methodological recommendations on the issue of determining the type of profession associated with career guidance are given.
Key words: high school students, profession, career guidance, professional counseling, career choice, higher education institution.

DOI 10.56525/AMUT2647


Smamutova Sh. A.

Karakalpak State University,

Kazakh language and literature

associate docent, PhD,

Nokis, Uzbekistan.

Annotation. The article provides a general overview of the historical, literary and cultural ties of the Kazakh-Karakalpak people, historically rooted, settled in separate regions side by side and becoming neighbors. Also, the historical roots and kinship of two peoples are visible in the works of poets-writers, a vivid example of which is the state figure, poet K. Salikov explores the theme of Karakalpakstan in his poetry.

Poems that give humanistic ideas and optimistic feelings in the poet#8217;s poems are analyzed, and one aspect of the poet#8217;s poetry is defined.

Key words: Literary, historical relations, Kazakh and Karakalpak literature, poetry of K. Salikov, theme of Karakalpakstan, humanistic ideas.

DOI 10.56525/QEJY1543


Kamarova N. S.

Sh.Yessenov Caspian state university of technology and engineering,

Аktau, Kazakhstan

Abstract. This article is concerned with the peculiarity of classic poet Maktymkuly`s poetry. There compared thoughts and images between Maktymkuly`s poetry and Abai`s, Magzhan`s songs. Translated into many languages Maktymkuly`s poetry is enriched by folklore interrelated with popular wisdom has great importance. Neighbouring Kazakhs are familiar with the Maktymkuly` heritage long before. Long ago spread orally Maktumkuly`s poetry was published during Soviet times. As it is said in the article famous poets as G. Ormanov, G. Kairbekov, D.Kanatbayev, S. Nurzhan translated Maktumkuly`s words into Kazakh. They analyze his songs about life, humanity, civic spirit. Poet`s songs full of philosophy spread among people turned into edification make more precise of value Maktumkuly`s heritage.

Key words: Turkmen literature, Maktumkuly Fraggi, viable songs, Maktymkuly and Abai, Maktymkuly and Magzhan, translation of Maktymkuly`s songs.

DOI 10.56525/AOAY7614


Sataeva Sapura, Sidagaliyev Mirbolat, Akhmetova Firuza

West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named Zhangir Khan!

Abs󠀁tract. The rapid growth of socio-economic demands and climate change have put great pressure on the quality of water resources. In order to prevent a shortage of fresh water in the future and meet the current demand for water, the reuse and recycling of wastewater is one of the most pressing issues that must be addressed immediately. Until now, many technologies have been used to remove inorganic and organic pollutants from wastewater. Unfortunately, modern water treatment technologies are still not financially available to many developing countries, which makes it difficult for them to remove these toxins. In addition, the increased toxicity to the environment caused by solid waste is also the main cause of concern. In order to combat these problems, research efforts have been strengthened to create an effective, environmentally friendly and inexpensive biosorbent from agricultural waste for wastewater treatment. As a result, emphasis was placed on identifying local and regionally available agricultural waste to remove heavy metals/metalloids and dyes. This article aims to consider a multidisciplinary approach to the processing of agricultural waste as a potential resource for wastewater treatment. A comprehensive discussion of the basics of biosorption and the mechanism involved in it is included. Strategies for increasing the effectiveness of biosorbents are discussed. At the same time, the current development of various biosorbents derived from agricultural waste and their use to neutralize toxins by various methods has been revised to lay the foundation for further research. Finally, topical issues of biosorbent regeneration and the introduction of biosorbents are solved. This article will help bridge the gap between laboratory research and industrial applications, leading to the development of more efficient pollutant removal systems. The use of agricultural waste biosorbents for industrial and municipal wastewater treatment is currently a solution that reduces pollution through solid waste wastewater treatment. Although further research and advances are needed, the production of activated carbon as a highly efficient biosorbent based on agricultural waste is a promising environmentally friendly technological solution, meeting the requirements of a sustainable economy and efficient engineering practice.

Key words: agricultural waste, wastewater treatment, adsorption, biosorption, green sorbents.

DOI 10.56525/MTZD8751


Ibrayeva Manshuk, Ozturk Mehmet

Caspian University of Technologies and Engineering named after Sh.Yessenov

Mugla Sıtkı Kocman Universitesy, Mugla, Turkey

Annotation. Medicinal plants play a key role in medicine by providing the necessary resources for the creation of various medicines. For thousands of years, humanity has used herbal medicines to treat many diseases, including severe and malignant forms. These natural remedies have unique healing properties, which are often safer and more effective than their synthetic counterparts.

The importance of medicinal plants is confirmed by data from the World Health Organization (WHO), which predicts that in the next ten years the share of herbal medicines in the total supply of medicines will exceed 50%. This is due to the growing interest in natural treatments and increased attention to environmental and biosafety issues.

Medicinal plants contain many active substances such as alkaloids, glycosides, essential oils and vitamins, which can be used to develop effective therapeutic agents. Examples of such plants include echinacea, used to strengthen the immune system, and St. John#8217;s wort, known for its antidepressant properties. Modern science is actively studying the pharmacological properties of medicinal plants, trying to integrate traditional knowledge and modern technologies. This collaboration contributes to the creation of new drugs that are highly effective and have minimal side effects. As a result, the use of herbal remedies is becoming increasingly popular among both medical professionals and patients seeking healthy and safe treatments.

The plant of the genus Thymus serpyllum L., also known as wild thyme or thyme, has a rich chemical composition that makes it a valuable object for scientific research. This perennial herb from the Lamiaceae family is widespread in Europe and Asia and is known for its medicinal properties.

The chemical composition of Thymus serpyllum includes many bioactive components, among which essential oils, flavonoids, phenolic compounds and terpenes attract special attention. Thyme essential oil contains important components such as thymol, carvacrol, cymene and γ-terpinene, which have antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Thymol and carvacrol are especially valued for their powerful antibacterial effects, making this plant promising for use in medicine and pharmaceuticals.

Key words: Thymus serpyllum L., Lamiaceae family, bioactive substances, essential oils, flavonoids, amino acids, fatty acids, antibacterial properties, anti-inflammatory properties, moisture, ash content, gaz-liquid chromatography (GLC).

DOI 10.56525/ALET1432