Tugelbay Aibek Abdigali

Arashova Nabat Kozhabilmesovna

Sh. Yessenov Caspian University of Technologies and Engineering

Annotation: In philosophy, the philosophy of freedom is one of the most relevant and interesting problems. Over time, the relevance of the problem of freedom became more and more relevant and was viewed from new angles. Looking back at the history of philosophy, we can say that the problem of freedom in it is multifaceted, because although man is simultaneously a biological species manifestation, and not free and free, on the other hand, he is limited by socio-legal relations. Despite the significant number of these definitions of history, a single idea of freedom has not been formed. Because freedom is a real and relative concept. The difference, the degree of freedom in terms of Western and Eastern worldviews is also different. From the Western point of view, the phenomenon of freedom is associated with the category of personal choice and human will, whereas from the eastern point of view, this phenomenon is determined by the freedom of the state, country and people.

The article reveals the meaning of the philosophical views that define freedom. The definitions given by the philosophers are explained. Definitions range from arbitrariness to perceived necessity. The issue of freedom in the 21st century should be considered as the main value of human existence in modern society. At the same time, interaction between people plays a special role. If we consider it from the point of view of the content of human inner freedom, then in the conditions of modern socio-cultural modernization, the role of responsibility in its manifestation in the form of freedom of choice is high.

Keywords: Philosophy, freedom, the idea of freedom, man, being, will, knowledge, competence

DOI 10.56525/DORW5542