Smamutova Sh. A.

Karakalpak State University,

Kazakh language and literature

associate docent, PhD,

Nokis, Uzbekistan.

Annotation. The article provides a general overview of the historical, literary and cultural ties of the Kazakh-Karakalpak people, historically rooted, settled in separate regions side by side and becoming neighbors. Also, the historical roots and kinship of two peoples are visible in the works of poets-writers, a vivid example of which is the state figure, poet K. Salikov explores the theme of Karakalpakstan in his poetry.

Poems that give humanistic ideas and optimistic feelings in the poet#8217;s poems are analyzed, and one aspect of the poet#8217;s poetry is defined.

Key words: Literary, historical relations, Kazakh and Karakalpak literature, poetry of K. Salikov, theme of Karakalpakstan, humanistic ideas.

DOI 10.56525/QEJY1543