Koshimova B.A., Mendalieva S.O., Sharipova A.B., Janisenova A.M.
Caspian Universitytechnologies and engineering named after. Sh. Yessenova
Kazakhstan, Aktau
Annotation. The idea of this study is to study international experience in personnel training and develop regional standards to determine advanced staffing, theoretical, methodological and scientific-methodological foundations for advanced training of specialists using the method of foresight forecasting of the labor market, mapping the needs for new professions, developing educational programs, developing proposals for updating professional standards, including providing organizational and methodological support for the implementation of regional standards for advanced staffing of the labor market.
One of the tools for increasing the efficiency of human capital management is long-term forecasting and planning of competencies that will be in demand in the future (Skills Anticipation) and their advanced preparation at the level of the country, region, and industry. Developed countries have advanced in this direction in recent years, especially in terms of creating a system for identifying in-demand and promising qualifications and professions in the labor market and accumulating a significant empirical base [1].
This makes it relevant to study the experience of foreign countries both in the field of forming a system of advanced personnel training and in specific updating (changing) professions, which can be implemented in domestic practice.
Key words: foresight, rapid foresight, forecasting, regional standard atlas of new professions, competence of research objects.
DOI 10.56525/AHZQ8387