Koksheeva Zaini Talasovna
Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yesenova
Aktau, Kazakhstan
Abstract. The article examined the works of scientists and teachers who contributed to the study of this problem, drew conclusions, outlined the types of career guidance for high school students in general education schools in choosing the right profession and the content, main directions and types of orientation to determine the future profession. In the career guidance work, the specific psychological characteristics of each child are revealed, the effectiveness of the formation of a culture of behavior and communication necessary for all work is revealed. The use of traditional and diagnostic research in matters of professional orientation and professional self-determination, related conscious self-regulation of activity, justifies the widespread use of psychological, pedagogical, practical counseling, preparation for a profession, orientation to the future as a subject of labor. The content of the formation of life plans and professional orientations of high school students is determined, conclusions are drawn about the importance of the development of entrepreneurial activity.
Also, in educational institutions, the types of vocational guidance work of students on the right choice of profession are clearly outlined: professional counseling, professional education, studying the personality of students, etc. In addition, the methods and their final results in research work, scientific and methodological recommendations on the issue of determining the type of profession associated with career guidance are given.
Key words: high school students, profession, career guidance, professional counseling, career choice, higher education institution.
DOI 10.56525/AMUT2647