Dzhumalieva Lyazzat Turebekovna
Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin
Astana, Kazakhstan
Abstract. This article describes how Alash Orda was able to become the leader of the great national mission to turn his holy dream into a real reality. It is shown that the established Kazakh intelligentsia of the early 20th century reached the peak of political activity and involvement in government. In the political activity of the Kazakh intelligentsia, the main goal was to protect national values, they spared no help to their people in the struggle for independence and liberation from colonial slavery, fought for universal treasures such as the people#8217;s right to personal freedom, free access to the achievements and successes of the entire human culture.
Keywords: kazakh elite, Alash horde, society, intelligentsia, idea.
DOI 10.56525/ACWP6447