Suyunova Dilbar Zholdasbayevna

Tashkent State Law University

Doctor of Law, Professor

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Annotation. The article analyzes the essence and features of the application of the institution of prejudice in criminal proceedings in some CIS countries, examines the opinions of scientists on the procedural procedure for the implementation of prejudice, and makes some judgments on the application of prejudice in the provision of legal assistance in international cooperation.

The understanding and application of the institution of prejudice in the course of criminal proceedings is also analyzed. The author concludes about the general tendency of this rule. The prejudice of circumstances established in the course of civil, arbitration or administrative proceedings is usually recognized in criminal proceedings if they do not contradict the picture of the event that is established with the help of criminal procedural evidence.

The paper presents the results of a sociological survey of practicing lawyers on the problems of law enforcement of the Institute of prejudice. The questionnaire questions include determining the respondents#8217; attitudes to the need to apply prejudice, assessing the state of the application of prejudice, determining the factors influencing the application of prejudice, etc. The work also examines the goals and subject of the criminal procedure regulation of the institution of prejudice. Attention is drawn to the need to use a system-institutional approach in studies of prejudice. According to the author, it is necessary to consider in depth and more broadly the regulatory provisions on the legal application of prejudice and create a systematic scientific concept.

Keywords: legal proceedings, prejudice, realization of prejudice, proof, CPC.

DOI 10.56525/FKQT8389