Bekzhanova Toty Kalzhanovna

Esil university

Annotation. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, there is no practice of assessing the sustainable development of regions, which hinders the implementation of an effective territorial policy. In this regard, it becomes relevant to study the experience of applying and implementing environmental and economic indicators into the accounting system. This article proposes a methodology for assessing the degree of development of the green economy at the regional level using integrated indicators.

The methodology is based on the approach of constructing the ecological and economic index of Russia, developed taking into account the principles of the World Bank used in calculating the adjusted net savings Index (PPI).

The study uses official statistical data on the socio-economic situation and environmental condition of the regions of Kazakhstan for the period 2020-2023. The calculations made it possible to divide the regions of Kazakhstan into three groups according to environmental criteria: high average and low level of development of the green economy.

Comparing the results of the assessment with the typology of regions according to the level of economic development will reveal the relationship between environmental and economic indicators, as well as identify priority areas of regional policy aimed at stimulating the development of a green economy.

Key words: green economy, sustainable development, indicators, gross regional product, economic growth, region, regional policy.

DOI 10.56525/QNGG7888