Utebalieva Dina Borisovna
Caspian university of technology and engineering named after Sh. Yessenov
Aktau, Kazakhstan
Nuryakhmetova Svetlana Mazgutovna
Associate professor of the Department#8221; economics of production #8220;FGAOU Vo#8221; Kazan
(Privolzhsky) Federal University,
Institute of Economics and Finance, Management
Annotation. Any activity that legal entities engage in is always at risk. #8220;Risk management involves understanding, analyzing and eliminating risks to ensure that organizations achieve their goals. Therefore, it should be proportional to the complexity and type of organization#8221; [1]. Risk management is a powerful tool for increasing the efficiency of both commercial organizations and public sector organizations. While risk management is far from a new phenomenon in the commercial sector, it is at a stage of development in the public sector.
Key words: Risk management; efficiency; risk management; effective management; antimonopoly legislation; SWOT analysis; resource management; monopoly activity; stakeholder, monitoring.
DOI 10.56525/JYLO7164