Izturganova Gulnar Kosshikizi

Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenova

Aktau, Kazakhstan


Annotation. The rapid development of technologies and the application of these technologies in the field of litigation requires constant study of various technologies and analysis of aspects of their use in foreign practice.  In particular, virtual reality technologies place users in the visual world in an accessible way and allow users to interact with the environment using proprietary technologies or additional technologies. In this context, the article explores and examines the pace of application of virtual reality technologies in lawsuits, which have gained a large market share in recent years.

The legal system is adapting to the ever-changing world around us. One of the most innovative achievements of recent years is the use of virtual reality (VR) in lawsuits. The further Genesis of domestic legal proceedings will be vividly and forever associated with the digital revolution, the active introduction of IT technologies. This global trend will significantly simplify the judicial process, reduce the costs of its participants, stop the risks of corruption, formalization, fuss, multiply the availability of justice, and promote maximum transparency, rationality, comfort and democracy.

This article discusses the possibilities of using virtual reality in foreign criminal justice practice. A review of criminological literature and literature in related disciplines on the use of virtual reality was conducted, with a particular focus on risk assessment, correction and rehabilitation, as well as reintegration. It can be said that virtual reality (VR) is used in the understanding and interpretation of evidence by lawyers, judges and juries due to its ability to provide a more accurate and comprehensive view of events. The literature shows that virtual reality can provide a safe learning environment that would otherwise be at risk by creating virtual alternatives based on the environment, using them in real situations and creating an environment that cannot be created in real life.

These unique characteristics make virtual reality an evolving tool for significantly expanding the existing set of risk assessment tools, as well as correction, rehabilitation and reintegration programs. Before introducing virtual reality into criminal justice practice, it is desirable to have a simple understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of virtual reality technology, but given the long and effective traditions of using virtual reality in other areas, the future of virtual reality in criminal justice practice is bright.

Key words: virtual reality (VR), judicial system, criminal proceedings, criminal proceedings, digitization, virtual verification, digitized scene of the incident, international experience.

DOI 10.56525/SIWN1614


Utebalieva Dina Borisovna

Caspian university of technology and engineering named after Sh. Yessenov

Aktau, Kazakhstan

Nuryakhmetova Svetlana Mazgutovna

Associate professor of the Department#8221; economics of production #8220;FGAOU Vo#8221; Kazan

(Privolzhsky) Federal University,

Institute of Economics and Finance, Management


Annotation. Any activity that legal entities engage in is always at risk. #8220;Risk management involves understanding, analyzing and eliminating risks to ensure that organizations achieve their goals. Therefore, it should be proportional to the complexity and type of organization#8221; [1]. Risk management is a powerful tool for increasing the efficiency of both commercial organizations and public sector organizations. While risk management is far from a new phenomenon in the commercial sector, it is at a stage of development in the public sector.

Key words:  Risk management; efficiency; risk management; effective management; antimonopoly legislation; SWOT analysis; resource management; monopoly activity; stakeholder, monitoring.

DOI 10.56525/JYLO7164


Sabirova Rysty

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the university named after H.Dosmukhamedov.

The Republic of Kazakhstan, Atyrau city.

Annotation. Youth entrepreneurship is a key driver of economic growth, innovation and job creation. However, many young people face serious obstacles when trying to start a business, such as lack of experience, financial resources, connections and necessary skills. The solution to this problem can be the creation of a comprehensive ecosystem that promotes the development of youth entrepreneurship.

The ecosystem of youth entrepreneurship is a set of interrelated elements, including educational programs, financial support, mentoring, networking and other necessary resources. 

Key words.  Entrepreneurship, innovative infrastructure, incubators, crowdfunding, tax incentives, communication and risk management, business accelerators, accelerator.

DOI 10.56525/MPDY7284


Medeubek Z.T.

Master of Laws, Senior Lecturer

Abdukhaimova A.M.

Master of Law, Senior Lecturer

Asilbekova L.R., teacher

Innovative University of Central Asia, Kazakhstan Shymkent.

Abstraсt. The main purpose of this article is to study the main aspects related to such a segment of the modern Internet as the black side of the Internet - DarkNet. The paper analyzes the types, forms, features, positive and negative sides of the Darknet, as well as a comparison with the open Internet. The characteristics of anonymity are investigated. In addition, the article clarifies the main points regarding the misuse and negative features of the DarkNet and suggests ways of information security.

Key words: DarkNet, Internet, TOR, BitCoin, cryptocurrency

DOI 10.56525/RLOX3761


Bekzhanova Toty Kalzhanovna

Esil university

Annotation. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, there is no practice of assessing the sustainable development of regions, which hinders the implementation of an effective territorial policy. In this regard, it becomes relevant to study the experience of applying and implementing environmental and economic indicators into the accounting system. This article proposes a methodology for assessing the degree of development of the green economy at the regional level using integrated indicators.

The methodology is based on the approach of constructing the ecological and economic index of Russia, developed taking into account the principles of the World Bank used in calculating the adjusted net savings Index (PPI).

The study uses official statistical data on the socio-economic situation and environmental condition of the regions of Kazakhstan for the period 2020-2023. The calculations made it possible to divide the regions of Kazakhstan into three groups according to environmental criteria: high average and low level of development of the green economy.

Comparing the results of the assessment with the typology of regions according to the level of economic development will reveal the relationship between environmental and economic indicators, as well as identify priority areas of regional policy aimed at stimulating the development of a green economy.

Key words: green economy, sustainable development, indicators, gross regional product, economic growth, region, regional policy.

DOI 10.56525/QNGG7888


Petrosyants Tatyana Valerievna

Caspian university of technology and engineering named after Sh. Yessenov

Аktau, Kazakhstan

Annotation. This article focuses on modern approaches to measuring environmental, socio-economic processes that directly affect the well-being of the population in the regions of Kazakhstan. The study analyzed the main macroeconomic indicators of the Mangystau region, which allows us to assess the current situation that contributes to the sustainable development of the region.

In the course of the economic analysis, the following indicators of dynamic changes were studied: the share of the economically active population, the level of Environmental demand for pollutants, as well as indicators of living standards and well-being, which allow us to determine the influence of various factors on the sustainable development of the region.

Taking into account the specifics of the Mangystau region, the author came to the conclusion that it is necessary to improve the indicators for a more qualitative analysis of the sustainable development of the region. The obtained analytical data can be used in the development of strategic programs for the development of the region, contributing to the sustainable socio-economic progress of the Mangystau region.

Key words: #8220;Green Economy#8221;, Indicator, environmental factors, sustainable development.

DOI 10.56525/TUWR3554


Kudaibergenova Ayzhamal

Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology

Almaty, Kazakhstan

Abstract. In the article, one of the major historical events is 1916, which is the basis for clarifying the main course of historical conditions on the eve of the Soviet era, including the demographic development of the Kazakh people and the migration process. The consequences of the national liberation uprising are considered. In 1916, Kazakhs were not taken into the First World War, but they did not pick up weapons, but shovels to dig trenches under a shower of bullets. The Tsar#8217;s decree of June 25 brought the Central Asian peoples, oppressed by migration policies, the arbitrariness of the Tsar#8217;s local administration and #8220;Great Russian chauvinism#8221;, to the limit of patience, and provoked an uprising. An analysis of the number of people involved in “retail work” was carried out. Along with the refugee problem, the impact of the insurgency on the population is examined quantitatively. 1916 Those who participated in the uprising escaped punishment, fled to China and were moved along known migration routes. Measures to return Kazakhs to China and their results, which were carried out on the initiative of the Provisional Government in 1917, will also be discussed. During these years, conflicts often arose between settlers who appropriated Kazakh lands and returning Kazakhs. After the end of the civil war, in 1921, the Soviet government began to take special measures to return land to the Kazakhs, including the return of refugees who fled to China during the 1916 uprising. On the eve of the Soviet era, first of all, the Kazakhs were expelled from their homes and deprived of land suitable for traditional agriculture. Secondly, migration associated with displacement from land reduced the birth rate of Kazakhs, led to an increase in mortality and a decrease in natural population growth. Thirdly, the settlers who came and settled on Kazakh soil, armed themselves with socio-economic advantages, acquired military power and caused many disruptions in the daily life of the local population.

Key words: Kazakhstan, the Soviet era, the national liberation uprising of 1916, refugees, demographic development, famine, royal decree, rear work, royal tyranny

DOI 10.56525/CLPZ6432


Tabyldiyeva Oryngul Duisenbaevna

Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenova,

Aktau, Kazakhstan.

Abstract. Malik-Aidar Khantemirovich is an outstanding scientist who has made a worthy scientific contribution to the study of the history of Kazakhstan.  The scale of academic Malik Khantemirovich#8217;s scientific research was exhaustive. He was interested in the formation of national specialists, the production process, the development of railways and the formation of workers in Kazakhstan, historical demography, insufficiently studied aspects of the national liberation movement of the Kazakh people, the fate of the national intelligentsia. Academician M. Asylbekov laid the foundations for new areas of scientific research in Kazakh historical science, such as the history of the formation of the working class, problems of personal development and historical demography. The fundamental changes that took place in the socio-economic and political life of Kazakhstan after the declaration of independence did not affect the demographic situation of the republic. In most cases, these processes were a manifestation of the negative and positive effects of the transition period. As a result, they are reflected in the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the population, their territorial location and the processes of internal and external migration. M.Asylbekov is a leading expert of the republic on the socio-economic and demographic development of Kazakhstan in the XIX-XX centuries. The deep knowledge and broad outlook of the scientist-historian allowed him to write valuable works on the problems of national history. As a result of a thorough study of the socio-demographic problems of Kazakhstan, many monographs and books have been published. Accelerated industrialization, the formation and development of the working class, which turned Kazakhstan into a source of raw materials, including the specifics and specifics of training national specialists in industry and transport, were comprehensively studied on the basis of a new approach that convincingly proved the impact of industrial development on the deterioration of the environmental situation in many regions. His works analyze the state of the republic#8217;s industry today, the causes and consequences of unemployment during the transition period, and make recommendations on ways out of the protracted social crisis. This article about academician M.H.Asylbekov examines the main aspects of his contribution to Russian historical science and social activities. At the same time, based on the memoirs, works of the academician and other data, the main directions of scientific and social activities of the scientist are considered.

Key words: History  of  Kazakhstan, teacher, Academician  Asylbekov,  historical demography, personalistics, industrialization.

DOI 10.56525/XDOS1567


Kozbagarov R. A.

  1. Tynyshpaev Academy of Logistics and Transport

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Annotation. An integrated system of mechanization and automation of labor-intensive loading and unloading operations is the most important means of increasing labor productivity and accelerating the turnover of vehicles, increasing the capacity of the loading and unloading fronts of cargo berths of seaports. The article considers the issues of optimization of transshipment processes with grain bulk cargoes in seaports related to the use of a rational SL-100 mobile ship loader for bulk cargo. High productivity, mobility, maneuverability, environmental friendliness, which reduces gross dust emissions, determine the rationality of using the transshipment complex, increase the carrying capacity and throughput of seaports and terminals in the multimodal grain cargo transportation system and determines the competitiveness of grain export-oriented seaports, and along with optimizing transshipment processes at port berthing complexes, contributes to an increase in freight and the capacity of seaports in the global marine cargo transportation market.

Key words: grain cargoes, port transshipment complexes, ship loader, conveyor, mobility.

DOI 10.56525/VPYL7697


Сахно Константин Николаевич

Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russian Federation

Annotation. The completed research opens up new prospects for optimizing the operation of marine diesel engines. The analysis of indicator diagrams makes it possible to more accurately determine the dependence of the key characteristics of the workflow on the moisture content in the fuel, which in turn can lead to improved efficiency and efficiency of the marine engine.

With the help of regression analysis and the MS Excel software package, it was possible not only to process and analyze the data, but also to visualize the results obtained. This made it possible to better understand the relationship between the moisture content in the fuel and the operation of the engine, which is a key point in the development of new technologies and methods in the field of marine transport industry.

The interesting findings of the study can serve as a basis for further work in this area. A detailed study of the effect of moisture content on the operation of marine diesel engines can bring significant benefits both economically and environmentally. Scientific research in this direction can lead to the development of new methods and technologies that can improve the efficiency and stability of marine engines in various climatic and operational conditions.

The acquired results make it possible to identify the pros and cons of this method, in addition to create a theoretical basis for subsequent studies according to the use of VTE in marine diesels.

Key words: water-fuel emulsions, marine diesel, workflow, diesel fuel, parameter extremes, experimental work, regression analysis.

DOI 10.56525/NCBE3655