Izturganova Gulnar Kosshikizi
Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenova
Aktau, Kazakhstan
Annotation. The rapid development of technologies and the application of these technologies in the field of litigation requires constant study of various technologies and analysis of aspects of their use in foreign practice. In particular, virtual reality technologies place users in the visual world in an accessible way and allow users to interact with the environment using proprietary technologies or additional technologies. In this context, the article explores and examines the pace of application of virtual reality technologies in lawsuits, which have gained a large market share in recent years.
The legal system is adapting to the ever-changing world around us. One of the most innovative achievements of recent years is the use of virtual reality (VR) in lawsuits. The further Genesis of domestic legal proceedings will be vividly and forever associated with the digital revolution, the active introduction of IT technologies. This global trend will significantly simplify the judicial process, reduce the costs of its participants, stop the risks of corruption, formalization, fuss, multiply the availability of justice, and promote maximum transparency, rationality, comfort and democracy.
This article discusses the possibilities of using virtual reality in foreign criminal justice practice. A review of criminological literature and literature in related disciplines on the use of virtual reality was conducted, with a particular focus on risk assessment, correction and rehabilitation, as well as reintegration. It can be said that virtual reality (VR) is used in the understanding and interpretation of evidence by lawyers, judges and juries due to its ability to provide a more accurate and comprehensive view of events. The literature shows that virtual reality can provide a safe learning environment that would otherwise be at risk by creating virtual alternatives based on the environment, using them in real situations and creating an environment that cannot be created in real life.
These unique characteristics make virtual reality an evolving tool for significantly expanding the existing set of risk assessment tools, as well as correction, rehabilitation and reintegration programs. Before introducing virtual reality into criminal justice practice, it is desirable to have a simple understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of virtual reality technology, but given the long and effective traditions of using virtual reality in other areas, the future of virtual reality in criminal justice practice is bright.
Key words: virtual reality (VR), judicial system, criminal proceedings, criminal proceedings, digitization, virtual verification, digitized scene of the incident, international experience.
DOI 10.56525/SIWN1614