Rysbergen Kyzdarhan Kurmashkyzy

Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynuly


Annotation. The use of data and methods from several scientific directions in onomastics, more specifically, in toponymy, allows us to raise research to a new qualitative level and achieve new scientific results. Over time, onomastics established itself as an independent discipline with its own linguistic methods. Due to its interdisciplinary and complex nature, onomastics was initially considered a marginal field of world linguistics. However, in the 20th century, in the 1970s and 1980s, the field of onomastics got rid of its marginal position in world, Russian and Kazakh linguistics and began to move towards the core of “large, continental” linguistics. This is due to the fact that the empirical, scientific and theoretical base of Russian and national onomastics during the years of the Soviet Union expanded and became more complete, the methods of systematic self-research became mature, and it was recognized as a full-fledged fundamental independent linguistic discipline.

This article presents global methods for studying toponyms and conducts a comparative analysis. Traditional and modern technological types of research in Kazakh onomastics are described.

Key words: onomastics, ontology, toponym, toponyms of Mangistau, topoarea, toponymic information, toponymic code.


  1. Zhanұzaқ T. Қazaқ onomastikasy – Astana: «ІS–Servis» ZhShS, 2006. – T. 1. – 400 b.
  2. Orazalieva Je. Kognitivtіk lingvistika: қalyptasuy men damuy. – Almaty: «An Arys», 2007. – 312 b.
  3. Hajdegger M. Osnovy fenomenologii. – SPb., 2001. – 442 s.
  4. Rol#8217; chelovecheskogo faktora v jazyke. Jazyk i kartina mira. – M.: Nauka, 1988. – 216 s.
  5. Sejdіmbek A. Қazaқtyң auyzsha tarihy: Zertteu. – Astana: Foliant, 2008. – 728 b.
  6. Ufimceva A.A. Leksicheskaja nominacija (pervichnaja nejtral#8217;naja) // Jazykovaja nominacija. Vidy naimenovanij. – M.: Nauka, 1977. – S. 10– 43.
  7. Jazykovaja nominacija. Obshhie voprosy. – M.: Nauka., 1977. T.1. – 359 s.
  8. Arutjunova N.D. Jazyk i mir cheloveka. – M.: Jazyki russkoj kul#8217;tury, 1999. – 896 s.
  9. Lingvisticheskij jenciklopedicheskij slovar#8217;. – M.: Izd–vo «Sovetskaja jenciklopedija», 1990. – 612 s.
  10. Karaulov Ju.N. Russkij jazyk i jazykovaja lichnost#8217;. – M.: Nauka, 1987. – 261 s.
  11. Madieva G.B. Imja sobstvennoe v kontekste poznanija. – Almaty: Қazaқ universitetі, 2004. – 190 s.
  12. Molchanova O.T. Strukturnye tipy tjurkskih toponimov Gornogo Altaja. – Saratov, 1982. – 272 s.

ӘОЖ 808.1

ХҒТАР 16.01.07

DOI 10.56525/ZTGM3793


Artykbayev Zhambyl

N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Astana, Kazakhstan



Annotation. In fact, the monuments on the territory of Mangystau and Ustyurt, which the local Kazakhs Call OI and kyr, have their own sacred meaning. The vast majority of them are houses and ruins from ancient times, medieval necropolises and underground mosques, architectural monuments of the peoples who inhabited this region in the XV-XX centuries (tombstones, koytas, saganatams, etc.).

One of the monuments connecting the ancient history of the Stone Age of the Mangystau region with the Middle Ages is the monument to Kang Baba, located in the northwestern part of the peninsula. Studies on the Kang Baba complex and the etymology of this name indicate that this complex has been known since the Bronze Age (hereinafter we use the name Arian-Turanian in parallel). We are of the opinion that by describing the Kang Baba complex, we can consider a whole period of the history of Mangystau, that is, the Bronze Age and the subsequent complex period.

In this article, we will talk about the ancient monuments of the Kang Baba necropolis of Mangystau region, their sacred character, historical etymology of the name Kang. A scientific analysis of the historical, ethnographic, ethnogenic significance of the study of ancient monuments in the burial complex of Kang Baba is carried out.

  Key words: Kanga Baba, Arian, Turan, Avesta, Oguz, Kipchak, Adai, sacral, Saka Era.



  1. Izbrannye gimny. Iz Videvdata. Per. s avestijskogo I.Steblin –Kamenskij. M.,1993 [In russian]
  2. Mifologicheskij slovar#8217;. E.M.Meletinskij. M.,1991, s.257 [In russian]
  3. «Maңғystaudyң sakraldy mәtіnderіnің konceptualdy keңіstіgі». 2020 zhylғy қarasha zheltoқsan ajlary [In kazakh]
  4. Artyқbaev Zh.O. Kazaxskoe istoricheskoe skazanie o Tolybaj synshy, rodonachal#8217;nike plemeni kanzhygaly (kangly, xangalasov)//Sibirskij sbornik. Vyp.3. Kurgan, 2015. s.4-15. [In russian]
  5. Masson M. E. Zagadochnoe gorodishhe Kanka. Iz rezul#8217;tatov rabot 29 otryada TPE#8217;. // SONAT, Tashkent, 1934, №4, s.115 . [In russian]
  6. Masson M. E. Axangeran. Arxeologo-topograficheskij ocherk. Tashkent, 1953. S. 106-110 [In russian]
  7. Filanovich M. I. Tashkent. Zarozhdenie i razvitie goroda i gorodskoj kul#8217;tury. T., 1983, s.156. [In russian]
  8. Shaniyazov Sh. K. Ob istoricheskoj toponimike Tashkenta. // ONU, №7, 1983. S. 36-37 [In russian]
  9. F. Buryakov Genezis i e#8217;tapy razvitiya gorodskoj kul#8217;tury Tashkentskogo oazisa. Tashkent: «Fan», 1982. 212 s. [In russian]

ӘОЖ 808.1

ХҒТАР 16.01.07

DOI 10.56525/QPOR5632



Caspian technologies named after sh. Yessenov

University of engineering and engineering, Aktau, Kazakhstan


Ege University, Izmir, Turkey


Annotation. In determining the general civilizational and national nature of the ancient Turkic song tradition, which has been going on since ancient times, the sequence of songs #8220;forty heroes of Crimea#8221; has a special place and importance.

The song chain was sung orally among the Volga, North Caucasus, West Siberian Turks, as well as on the territory of Kazakhstan, Karakalpakstan. But not in the form of a whole, but individual songs are preserved in different versions. Mangystau region is the most fully preserved homeland of the zhyr chain compared to other regions of Kazakhstan. Because in this region there is a Special School of poetry, which promotes the #8220;forty heroes of Crimea#8221;, through the representatives of the school, the text of the song has continued from teacher to student for centuries without interruption.

This article presents the results of research on toponomastic names in the cycle of poems #8220;forty heroes of Crimea#8221;, their relation to the history of Mangystau. Tomonomastic names in the text of the song indicate the exact location of the events in the song and provide data on the historical events that formed the basis of the plot of the song.

Key words: forty heroes of Crimea, Nasir zhyrau, epic epic, epic science, toponomastic names, Serikbol Kondybay, nogayli.



  1. Nurdauletova B.I., Rezhepovish, B.S., Zhanat, S., Nurzhanova, A.S Mythopoeticisms in the epic poem maulimniyaz-edige
    Mitopoeticismas en el poema épico maulimniyaz-edige «Opcion journal» Ano 36 Especial № 26, stranicy 751-765, 2020;
  2. Berdіbaev R. E#8217;postanudyң әdіstemelіk mәselelerі/ Қazaқ fol#8217;klorynyң tarixilyғy. A.: Ғylym, 1993. – 328 b. [In kazakh]
  3. Asanov Zh. Edіge: aңyzdar men zhyrlar. Almaty: Orxon, 2008. – 308 b. [In kazakh]
  4. Қondybaj Serіkbol Cerіkbol Қondybaj. Mұryn zhyrau mұralary. Almaty: Arys, 2010. 380 b. [In kazakh]
  5. Serіkbol Қondybaj zertteulerіndegі #8220;Қyrymnyң қyryқ batyry#8221; zhyrlar ciklі Euraziya gumanitarlyқ institutynyң Xabarshysy № 1/2023. – 102-112. [In kazakh]
  6. Babalar sөzі. Zhүz tomdyқ. 46-tom Redakciyasyn basқarғan C.Қasқabasov M., Astana: Foliant, 2008. -512 [In kazakh]
  7. Babalar sөzі. Zhүz tomdyқ. 40-tom Redakciyasyn basқarғan S.Қasқabasov M., Astana: Foliant, 2006. -488 [In kazakh]
  8. Әnes Saraj. Noғajly. Almaty: Arys, 2009. -480 [In kazakh]
  9. Trepavlov V.V. Istoriya Nogajskoj Ordy. M.: Izdatel#8217;skaya firma «Vostochnaya literatura» RAN, 2002. [In russian]
  10. Olzhas Sүlejmenov. Aziya. Audarғan S.Aқataev. Almaty: Zhazushy, 1992. – 295 b. [In kazakh]
  11. Nurdauletova B.I., Aimukhambet, Z., Saparbaikyzy, S., Kamarova, N., #038; Tolegenuly, B. The effect of traditional and online learning approaches on the survival and transmission of the oral culture, students#8217; attitude and national values. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (IJEMST), № 11 (1), P. 133-155, 2023

ӘОЖ 808.1

ХҒТАР 16.01.07

DOI 10.56525/XQGP8503


Kabylov Adilet,

Zhailauov Baktybai

Sh. Yessenov Caspian state university of technology and engineering, Аktau, Kazakhstan


Annotation. The literary and creative heritage of the outstanding statesman and public figure, people#8217;s writer of Kazakhstan Abish Kekilbayev covers a wide range of topics. Along with literary and artistic works of various genres, the writer also contributed with journalistic, educational and research works for the spiritual development of our people. His reflections on history and language, traditions, culture and outstanding personalities are reflected in many of his articles and speeches. He was a direct witness of our country#8217;s independence, participated in the formation of its legislative framework, and also made a great contribution to writing. Actively participated in the acquisition of the Kazakh language status of the state language, wrote many articles about the problems of its development. Studying the prehistory of the development of society and language, offering lessons from the history of the struggle for the fate of the native language of the peoples freed from citizenship, he expressed valuable thoughts in the direction of expanding the scope of the Kazakh language, education in the native language. In numerous speeches of the writer during the independence of the country, in interviews and articles like #8220;Careful use of the native language and perfection of future generations is a matter of honor#8221;, #8220;Our language is the main asset#8221;, #8220;Thinking about language means thinking about everything#8221;, #8220;The core of national spirituality is language#8221;, etc. he it tightens the problems of the native language. The writer#8217;s work, which deeply touches on the problem of independence and language, is a historical and cognitive study #8220;Language and independence#8221;. It was published in the form of an essay article in several issues of the newspaper #8220;Egemen Kazakhstan#8221; in 2006 and was included in the book of the same name published in 2007 by the publishing house #8220;Er-Daulet#8221; in Astana. It was a work written in a very timely manner and seriously related to a complex language issue in society, expressing valuable thoughts, revealing the significance of the problem of the state language. This work, written after an interview with the then head of state on language, reveals the essence of the principle #8220;The future of Kazakhstan is in the Kazakh language#8221; and reveals the importance of language in the life of society, its place in building a national state and consolidating society. In the light of such concepts as the community of people, society, the state, coloniality and citizenship, freedom and independence, prove by various facts the importance of language development for independence. The article is devoted to the disclosure of the meaning of this work.

Keywords: language, society, history, independence, colonial policy, citizenship, civilization, sustainable development.


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ӘОЖ 82-7

ХҒТАР 17.07.41

DOI 10.56525/KWAZ7542