Caspian University of Technology

and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov,

Aktau, Kazakhstan



Boğaziçi University, Faculty of Law



*Corresponding author:

 Abstract. This article is dedicated to artificial intelligence and consists of identifying the role and functions of artificial intelligence, referring to the innovations that resulted from the introduction of this technology. Artificial intelligence seems to be the most successful achievement of scientists today. As a result of these developments and their widespread use, there was a debate about the legal regulation of artificial intelligence.

The main methodological approach used is the normative approach. This article is based on qualitative methods of data collection and processing to compare and interpret the rules or policies that provide artificial intelligence. In this article, we will apply research methods such as research methods, explanatory methods, comparative and analytical methods, analytical methods of interpretation and explanatory methods.

There is still not enough legal framework for artificial intelligence. While there is no single legal framework, states have made their first attempt to establish legal decisions and standards governing the field of artificial intelligence. Based on a clear analysis of the current laws of many countries, we concluded that the intention of lawmakers to regulate the field of artificial intelligence is due to the shortcomings of the use of these technologies, their widespread use and the ability of many processes affecting the development regime. This article contributes to the theoretical processing of artificial intelligence by discussing the topic of Legal Regulation.

The processes of informatization and digitalization have firmly entered our lives today. #8220;We are entering the so-called digital age, which can change and is already radically changing our world.#8221; It can be said that these changes will have a strong impact on the legal sphere of society#8217;s life. The rapid development of digital information technologies also entails changes in legal technologies. New approaches to understanding appear new technologies are being developed classifications that make it possible to take into account the impact on the legal validity of the process digitalization, new legal structures, regulatory legal acts regulating new types of public relations are adopted, and the limits of Legal Regulation also change significantly.
Keywords: artificial intelligence; legislation; legal personality; digitalization, legal responsibility; implementation, legal technology; the use of artificial intelligence in legal practice; the use of artificial intelligence in legal activities; the use of artificial intelligence as a legal technology.

DOI 10.56525/ZEAL1944



Professor, Doctor of Economics


Stavropol State

Agrarian University

Russia, Stavropol

Annotation. The article examines the innovative development of railway transit transport in Kazakhstan, including the management of domestic, export-import and transit freight transportation. The study revealed the need to create a modern transport infrastructure in Kazakhstan to attract transit cargo flows. Currently, Kazakhstan experts have identified such problems as limited international transport, limited technological development, underdeveloped intermodal transport, low level of transport and logistics services, insufficient number of vehicles and their outdated fleet. In addition, in developed countries logistics makes a significant contribution to GDP; in Kazakhstan it is still at a low level. The article discusses fundamental changes in all technological and business processes based on the introduction of new rolling stock, efficient technological infrastructure facilities, intelligent transport process management systems and other technological and organizational innovations in Kazakhstan#8217;s railway transport. The main feature of railway transport is that this industry influences the pace and scale of innovation activities of enterprises, therefore railways are classified as infrastructure and are mainly service-oriented. The purpose of these changes is to study the competitiveness of industry enterprises, the need to increase their efficiency and investment attractiveness. In this context, one of the most important and complex tasks is to develop ways to manage the development of innovative activities at enterprises in the industry. Government authorities have considered a set of organizational and economic measures in relation to railway transport enterprises to manage the innovative development of transit transport, create internal and external conditions for the growth of innovative activity.
Key words: transit transportation, innovation, infrastructure, innovative potential, transport corridors, logistics, cargo flows.

DOI 10.56525/BVFZ2186



K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National

Technical University

Almaty, Kazakhstan


Abstract. The article briefly describes the importance of wear-resistant coatings in modern industry, and provides various types of such coatings used in various industries. The main methods and methods of applying wear-resistant powders are also highlighted. The research includes an analysis of the adhesive properties of metallic and wear-resistant materials. Based on the conducted research, promising areas for the development and standardization of innovative technologies aimed at increasing the wear resistance of equipment and parts are identified.

In modern industry, wear-resistant coatings play a key role, ensuring the durability and efficient operation of equipment. The article examines the variety of such coatings suitable for use in various industries. The main methods of applying wear-resistant powders are highlighted, including their advantages and limitations. Special attention is paid to the research of the adhesive properties   and ensure the quality of coatings. The analysis reveals promising areas for the creation and standardization of innovative technologies aimed at improving the wear resistance of equipment and parts, which contributes to increasing their service life and operational efficiency.

Keywords: wear-resistant coating, coating application, adhesion properties, increased wear resistance.

DOI 10.56525/YJRK6370



Caspian University of Technologies

and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov

Aktau, Kazakhstan



Ho Chi Minh City University

of Technology and Education, Vietnam

*Corresponding author:

Abstract. The article is an in-depth analysis of the production process of facing stone from durable rocks, especially granites. He considers not only mining technology, but also the development of new thermal tools used to effectively remove rocks during the processing, grinding and extraction of block stone. Rational methods of processing and extraction of block stone and the design of thermal devices for the destruction of hard rocks during processing and extraction of block stone are described.

The methods and tools used to create such structures are discussed in detail, as well as the improved energy characteristics that make them an effective tool in production. This method helps to improve the overall productivity of the mining process by increasing the more accurate and efficient formation of cracks in rocks and, consequently, increasing the productivity of the block stone mining process. This aspect is especially important in the field of surface stone production, which requires high productivity and precision processing of the material.

In addition, the analysis and developments presented in the article can significantly improve the efficiency of the mining and processing of rocks, which will contribute to the development of the industry and improve the quality of products. As a working body, a mechanized unit of a stone-cutting machine, new designs of thermal tools with high energy characteristics have been developed and manufactured.

Keywords: rock, fuel-air thermal tool, stone-cutting machine, fuel components, performance.

DOI 10.56525/GBVJ2880



Caspian University of Technology

and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov

Aktau, Kazakhstan



Caspian University of Technology

and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov

Aktau, Kazakhstan



Stavropol State

Agrarian University

Russia, Stavropol


*Corresponding author:

Annotation. The purpose of the article is to consider the theoretical foundations of excursion tourism and its innovations, the regulation of excursion and tourist activities in Kazakhstan by regulatory legal acts and the analysis of the foreign and domestic state of introducing innovations in excursion tourism. Tourism and excursions are closely related concepts. Excursions define the idealism and knowledge of any trip. The modern tourist market, as one of the main tourist products, requires new methods and approaches to organizing excursions. The provision of quality tourist services is impossible without quality excursion services. In the field of excursion tourism, it is possible to create a high-quality domestic product in a short time that will satisfy the needs of different categories of consumers and has certain properties. Innovation in any industry, including tourism, is qualitatively different from  novelty. Innovative changes in tourism create the internal energy of effective growth. These changes upset the balance, but create the foundations for further development, the transition of the system to a new quality. Therefore, it is the professional introduction of innovations into life that is the development of a particular industry. Modern social development experts argue that none of the problems that business faces today is more important and complex than the problem of innovation. The methodological basis of the study is an integrated approach and dialectical principles, which made it possible to identify the essential characteristics of the studied processes of excursion tourism, the introduction of innovations in excursion activities, highlight their inherent contradictions and determine their development trends.

Key words: tour, innovation in tourism, tourism, interactive tour, innovation, tourism industry, innovative approaches, e-tourism.

DOI 10.56525/PXQF9153



Auezov South Kazakhstan University  Shymkent, Kazakhstan.


Abstract. Transformation centers, as objects of transport infrastructure integrated with a complex of warehouse facilities, perform the most important functions in a multimodal freight transportation system. The article examines the effectiveness of transformation centers that implement effective interaction of transports in a multimodal transportation system. The stages of the logistic approach in choosing the location of transformation centers are investigated. It is determined that transformation centers, being the basis for the creation of macrological transport and storage systems of the appropriate level, perform the functions necessary to smooth out irregularities, inaccuracies in production turnover, consumption, and functioning of modes of transport. The main point of view is investigated and analyzed, which provides for the implementation of transformation centers in the form of an integrated transport terminal infrastructure in order to optimize the stages of movement of material flows in the logistics chain. The results of the study showed that in maritime transport, the main factor in the development of transport container terminals, as varieties of transformation centers, is the creation of means of an integrated transport terminal infrastructure of a concentrated system for the movement of material cargo flows.

Key words: multimodal cargo transportation, transformation center, material flows, transport and warehouse complex, transport and logistics chains, container terminal, automated container terminal management system.

DOI 10.56525/CZAI2821


Abylkasimov Murager

E.A. Buketov Karaganda University

Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Abstract. This article examines the peculiarities of the administrative responsibility of minors who are subjects of administrative law in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the study is to identify specific aspects of legal regulation and practical application of the norms of administrative law to juvenile offenders. To achieve this goal, a comprehensive methodological approach was used, including the analysis of normative legal acts, comparative legal analysis.

The main source of data was the normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including the Code of Administrative Offences, laws and by-laws. A comparative analysis of Kazakhstan#8217;s legislation with international standards and practices of other countries was carried out, which made it possible to identify both strengths and areas requiring improvement.

The results showed that the legal system of Kazakhstan strives to humanize and reform approaches to the administrative responsibility of minors, however, there are areas that require further improvement. In particular, it is recommended to strengthen crime prevention measures, improve law enforcement practices and more active involvement of the public in the process of social rehabilitation of offenders.

The article is aimed at drawing attention to the importance of ensuring a balance between the requirements of the rule of law and the protection of the rights of minors, their upbringing and rehabilitation, which contributes to the formation of a more just and humane approach in the system of administrative law.

Key words: Administrative offense, administrative responsibility, minors, offenders, social control, administrative law, offenses, preventive measures, law enforcement practice, social rehabilitation, humanization of law, prevention of offenses

DOI 10.56525/GCYU8841


Kobegenova Gulmira

Caspian University of Technology

and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov

Aktau, Kazakhstan

Annotation. The article presents an in-depth study of Kazakhstan#8217;s experience in mediation as a tool for conflict resolution, with a special focus on cases of domestic violence. The study highlights the significant potential of mediation in dispute resolution and restoration of harmony in family relations based on the analysis of specific cases, legislative initiatives and practical application of mediation procedures in Kazakhstan. The author of the article carefully examines the role of mediation in overcoming the consequences of domestic violence, assessing its effectiveness as a means to achieve long-term conflict resolution and prevent their recurrence. The study focuses on the importance of integrating mediation mechanisms into the legal system of Kazakhstan and the development of appropriate infrastructure, raising public awareness of the benefits of mediation. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the problems and challenges faced by mediation in the context of Kazakh culture and traditions, as well as ways to overcome them.

In addition, the article provides a comprehensive study of mediation practices used in the United States of America, Western European and Asian countries to resolve conflicts, including domestic violence. The author analyzes in detail how mediation is used as a tool to restore family relations, reduce aggression and prevent further disputes. The article is a critical review of various mediation models, as well as an assessment of their effectiveness based on existing statistical data and specific examples from practice. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the legislative and regulatory framework governing the use of mediation in the context of domestic violence, as well as the role of professional mediators in the dispute resolution process. The study highlights the importance of international experience in the development and implementation of mediation mechanisms that contribute to effective and humane conflict resolution.

The conclusions of the article indicate the need for further development of mediation practices in Kazakhstan as an effective means to strengthen social harmony and ensure justice, emphasizing the value of mediation in the process of resolving family conflicts and restoring relationships. As well as the high value of mediation as a method of restoring harmony in family relations, they offer recommendations for the further development of mediation practice on a global scale, with an emphasis on creating a supportive infrastructure and training qualified specialists.

Key words: Mediation, domestic violence, conflict resolution, family relations, mediation, legislative initiatives, legal system, professional mediators, international experience.

DOI 10.56525/RNJI1224



Professor of the Department

 of Criminal Procedure Law

 Doctor of Law

Tashkent State Law University

Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Abstract. Presently there is no such niche that has left untouched with the advent of technology. Every industry has been revolutionized by technological advancements. The relationship between law and technology is complex and multifaceted. At nascent level, technology is the application of knowledge and resources to solve problems or create new products and services. Law, on the other hand, is a set of rules that govern the behavior of individuals and organizations within a society.

The relationship between law and technology is constantly evolving as new technologies emerge and new legal challenges arise. For example, the development of the internet has raised a number of legal questions about privacy, intellectual property, and electronic commerce. Similarly, the rise of artificial intelligence has led to concerns about the potential for job displacement and the need for new laws to govern the development and use of AI. Despite the complexity of the relationship between law and technology, there are a number of key principles that can help to guide our thinking about this issue. First, it is important to recognize that law and technology are mutually interdependent. Technology can shape the law, and the law can shape technology. Second, it is important to be aware of the potential for conflict between law and technology. As new technologies emerge, it is possible that they will challenge existing laws or create new legal loopholes. Finally, it is important to be proactive in addressing the legal challenges posed by new technologies. By working together, law and technology professionals can help to ensure that the benefits of new technologies are realized while the risks are minimized.

The interaction between new technologies and law has become an increasingly important topic in recent years. With the rise of artificial intelligence, blockchain, and other digital technologies, the legal landscape is constantly evolving. This presentation explores five problems and decisions related to the interaction between new technologies and law. Drawing on the opinions of 10 experts in the field and global legal practice, we examine the challenges and opportunities presented by new technologies, and identify potential solutions to ensure that the law keeps pace with technological advancements.

Keywords: new technologies, law, artificial intelligence, blockchain, digital technologies, challenges, opportunities, solutions, legal landscape, global legal practice.

DOI 10.56525/ENSG5910


Suyunova Dilbar Zholdasbayevna

Tashkent State Law University

Doctor of Law, Professor

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Annotation. The article analyzes the essence and features of the application of the institution of prejudice in criminal proceedings in some CIS countries, examines the opinions of scientists on the procedural procedure for the implementation of prejudice, and makes some judgments on the application of prejudice in the provision of legal assistance in international cooperation.

The understanding and application of the institution of prejudice in the course of criminal proceedings is also analyzed. The author concludes about the general tendency of this rule. The prejudice of circumstances established in the course of civil, arbitration or administrative proceedings is usually recognized in criminal proceedings if they do not contradict the picture of the event that is established with the help of criminal procedural evidence.

The paper presents the results of a sociological survey of practicing lawyers on the problems of law enforcement of the Institute of prejudice. The questionnaire questions include determining the respondents#8217; attitudes to the need to apply prejudice, assessing the state of the application of prejudice, determining the factors influencing the application of prejudice, etc. The work also examines the goals and subject of the criminal procedure regulation of the institution of prejudice. Attention is drawn to the need to use a system-institutional approach in studies of prejudice. According to the author, it is necessary to consider in depth and more broadly the regulatory provisions on the legal application of prejudice and create a systematic scientific concept.

Keywords: legal proceedings, prejudice, realization of prejudice, proof, CPC.

DOI 10.56525/FKQT8389