Koblanov Zholaman Taubaevish*1, Karimsakova Baktigul Abdimukhanovna2
Caspian University of Technologies and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov, Aktau, Kazakhstan
Abstract. The article is devoted to the emergence of the first historical works in Ancient Rome, the birth of real scientific historical works in the last years of the era of the Republic, the historical memoir works of Julius Caesar #8220;Memoirs of the Gaul war#8221;, #8220;memoirs of the Civil War#8221;, the goals of writing these works, scientific value, the significance of the works of Titus Lucretius Carr, the neoteric movement, guy Valery Catullus. Lucretius #8216;poem#8221; The property of products#8221;, the essence of Epicurus #8216; philosophy in the poem, The Poet#8217;s views on religious beliefs of that era, and his own worldview are widely analyzed. The article makes an attempt to evaluate the critical approach by analyzing the ideological orientation of the thoughts of a talented writer who is critical of the realities of the era, the skill of the writer in its presentation, his characteristic features. During these eras, internal strife and battles in Rome paved the way for the complete destruction of the old Republican power, for the victory of some rulers. In their works, Neoterics used as a model the laws of Hellenic literature, especially the work of Callimachus, the great poet of that era. Therefore, they, like Callimachus, abandoned such voluminous genres as saga and tragedy, setting the example of small-scale works, that is, epilias, epigrams, elegies, and they themselves wrote works in the same genres. The article also reflected the influence of the works of guy Valery Catullus, who was a prominent representative of Neoterics, on the literature that followed him.
Keywords: historical works, materialistic philosophy, poem, Neoterics, humor, lyrical poem.
DOI 10.56525/TRCZ3357